Should This Be Fair?

Separating us from others just ’cause of our skin color
Is it fair?
Not being accepted for work for the same reason
Is it fair?
And when I have some luck,
I’m crushed with your cruel underpayment.
Is it fair?
I’m barely hanging on.
But you probably won’t care.

Do you think it’s fair,
To harm the children?
Do you think it’s fair,
To give them education that isn’t considered as one?
Do you think it’s fair,
To abuse them when they don’t even know anything?
We can’t live on,
But you won’t care.

You never cared.
Not until we had hope.

He lead us through the crisis
And he soon became our leader.
No longer lost,
We have a path.
More importantly,
We have hope.

We finally had a voice
Which hindered your actions.
You went to the extreme
To protect your custom
And treated us as if we’re nothing.
Determined for our rights
We neglected your reactions
And continued on our path with our leader

Slowly regaining our rights
Segregation became illegal
Only when our leader said “I had a dream.”

All hopes were gone when he was locked up.
Thinking that we lost the battle,
Our leader returned.
Marching in Birmingham
Gave us strength.
Locked up together
Gave us power to continue on.

After the release from jail
We’re shocked to hear that he had passed.
Forever thankful of our one and only we somehow regained our rights.

We are all the same,
by the creations of god.
We share the same red blood,
the same emotions
And the air we breathe.
Together as brothers and sisters we unite.
Should this be fair?

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