
I’m always there,

But sometimes

I’m not visible.

Following you around everywhere,

But not in physical.

I look like you.

I’m your identical twin.

Everyone has me,

But you can only see my skin.

I live your life,

Right at your feet.

It’s not fun being down here,

Since I’m not able to speak.

I guess you can say that I’m your dark side.

The side that only in the light,

Can be shown.

But even when there’s no light,

You are not alone.

I am there with you,

But you are unable to see.

The me that is you,

And the you that is me.

Some people try to hide me,

But I always leave traces behind.

Laying on the ground,

Walking around,

I’m not hard to find.

Don’t take me lightly,

Sine I go where you go.

Don’t try to discard me,

I’ll always lie low.

Don’t think about hiding things from me,

Since I know what you know.

Don’t think about abandoning me,

Because you know you can’t.

One day when you finally become me,

One day when it’s finally my time to stand in the light,

I’ll show you what it’s like

To be a shadow.


  1. aalleyne3 Reply

    I love this!

  2. Ammar Reply

    wow, That was so touchy.

  3. Erika Reply

    This is really cool Snow, you should get it published and framed. Well done. What inspired you to write this poem? A movie? A book?

    • mnguyen88 Reply

      Thank you! I honestly don’t think its good enough to be published though.

      Well the inspiration was pretty stupid to begin with. I was angry that day and had to go somewhere with my family. I decided to act as if nothing was wrong in order to not ruin the good mood. I was walking behind one of my family members and I saw their shadow on the ground. Then an image from a song I knew popped into my head (B2ST’s Shadow) and that where it all started.

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