Notice the woman covered in blood in the middle of the photograph, she is dead center making her the main point.
This image represents the severity and barbaric nature of the Syrian Civil war and that not only radicals are being affected, but so are women and children. A young woman stands facing the camera head-on. She is positions in the mid field of the photograph and is the main character of the photo. Notice the stare that she gives is blank, there is no emotion easily observed in her eyes. She seems to show the sign of shock, emotionless and traumatized. There is vibrant red blood streaming down the left side of her face over her eyes and down her cheek. This draws attention to her as it glistens and flashes brightly in comparison to her black garment and tan headdress. She is not a witness, but is a participant in this ongoing war. Blood, with what seems like no origin, streams down the middle of her forehead and down her right eye. The vibrant blood and the fair skinned woman gives a startling contrast to the photo and makes her bleeding seem out of place.She clutches the bottom of her headdress with what looks like her right hand. The blood is soaked into her scarf on her left side. The older woman behind her also is dripping with blood down the middle of her mouth and down her chin. The expression on this older woman’s face is almost terrified as her face is scrunched up.She might have experienced a life changing event due to this war, as death and destruction surround her. The mouth opened makes her seem as if she is about to make some sort of cry out. There is a finger on the top left side of the photo. This finger, although blurred, is also a vibrant red with blood.To the far left, you can see an arm, a child’s arm. It, like the women and the gore, is apart of this event and is seeing these images in real time. The child is affected by this war, even if if doesn’t seem to be hurt.