Failure does not taste good. Its tastes similar to if I marinated some brussels sprouts in a nice ketchup and white wine reduction before grilling it next to some sort of smelly fish. I digress. Here is the situation. I’ve been working on a project where I am testing different time-lapse and hyper-lapse techniques. So far, none of them have worked for what I am trying to do. First let me explain what each idea is.

This is a time-lapse video. In a time lapse, the camera does not move, the objects do. Basically the camera catches a set amount of footage and the footage is then speed up significantly.

This is a hyper-lapse video. Alternatively to time-lapse, in hyper-lapse, the camera moves as well as the object. This two minute hyper-lapse took 363 hours, 4 techniques, 26,014 camera files, 4 DSLR cameras and 817 GB of hard drive space.

The project I am working on will not be as intricate as the Barcelona video but the length and file number will probably be similar. My goal is to create a hyper-lapse walking tour of the Georgia State campus with the camera following one or multiple subjects. I have already tried shooting a test as video instead of image frames (didn’t work well) and taking individual shots with the subject stoping every few feet (didn’t work well either). Before anyone mentions it, I’m trying to avoid using the apps that will do this for me.

I’m thinking maybe I should try taking photos of the moving subject every few seconds instead of having the subject stop every few feet. I’ll be testing more concepts and techniques before committing to one. If anyone has any ideas I could try, please let me know!

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