April 12

Predatory Bacteria

Predatory Bacteria

  • Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes
  • Epibiotic Predators
    • Attach to surface of prey and acquire nutrients form its cytoplasm/periplasm
    • Alphaproteobacteria
  • Cytoplasmic Predators
    • Invade host cells and replicate in the cytoplasm
    • Epsilopnproteobacteria
  • Periplasmic Predators
    • Invade and replicate within the periplasmic space of their prey cells
    • Bdellovibrio
  • Social Predators
    • Use swarming behavior to find prey, which they lyse and feed upon
    • Gammoproteobacteria and Deltaproteobacteria


  • Small, highly mobile and curved bacteria
  • After attachment to prey it penetrates the cell wall of prey and replicates in periplasmic space forming a spherical structure, bdelloplast
  • Obligate anaerobe
    • Obtains energy from oxidation of amino acids and acetate
  • Assimilates nucleotides, fatty acids, peptides, and even some intact proteins directly form host without hydrolyzing first
  • Deltaproteobacteria are widespread in aquatic habitats


  • Most complex behavioral pattern
  • Formation of fruiting bodies
  • Vegetative cells
    • Simple, nonflagellated, gram-negative rods that glide across surfaces and obtain their nutrients by using extracellular enzymes to lyse other bacteria and use the released nutrients
    • Excretes slime, leaving trail
    • Form swarm that exhibits self-organizing behavior
      • Allows them to behave as a single coordinated entity in response to environmental cues
    • Exhaustion
      • Vegetative cells migrate toward each other
      • Aggregation is mediated by chemotactic or quorum-sensing
      • Myxospores
        • Resistant to drying, UV radiation, heat(endospore more resistant)
      • Fruiting bodies
        • Masses of myxospores embedded in slime, or complex, consisting of stalk and heads
        • Stalk composed of slime
        • Majority of cells migrate to head where they undergo differentiation into myxospores

Posted April 12, 2017 by andrew in category Learning Summary

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