April 12

Culturing Organisms

Continuous Culture

  • Open system
  • Growth vessel of known fresh medium is added at constant rate while equal volume of spent culture medium is removed at same rate
  • Chemostat
    • Device in which growth rate and cell density are controlled independently
      • Dilution rate- rate at which fresh medium is pumped in and spent medium is removed
      • Concentration of a limiting nutrient(Carbon or nitrogen) are present in sterile medium entering chemostat vessel
      • Growth rate controlled by dilution rate
      • Cell yield(density) controlled by concentration of limiting nutrient
    • At high dilution rates
      • Organisms cannot grow fast enough to compete with its dilution and is washed out of chemostat
    • At low dilution rates
      • Cells may die from starvation because the limiting nutrient is not being added fast enough to support minimal cell metabolism
    • Cell population can be maintained in exponential phase for long periods of time
    • Chemostats can used for enrichment and isolation of bacteria from nature

Posted April 12, 2017 by andrew in category Learning Summary

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