The American Indian Movement, Part 1

American Indian Movement 1

I created these images in photoshop, and they are part of a presentation that I did on the American Indian Movement during a project on social movements. During the presentation, each part of the photo collage was explained and put into historical and anthropological context.

To begin with, the Native-American symbolism of the Medicine Wheel was contrasted with the flag of the American Indian Movement. It was explained that in most American Indian Nations, the Medicine Wheel represents the sacred concept of four. I then made mention of the four directions, four seasons, and the four types of animals which include those with two legs, four legs, swimming animals, and flying animals. This was expounded upon to demonstrate the Native-American global perspective, including the four colors as they relate to mankind, and the importance of keeping all of these things in balance.

Next, I took a moment to explain the difference between the Indians of All Tribes movement, headed by Richard Oaks, and the American Indian Movement, headed by Russell Means and others. The different perspectives of the two movements was elaborated upon, with the more militant stance of the American Indian Movement explained.

Richard Oakes

The above image in this series of three is a collage of pictures of Richard Oaks, the leader of the Native-American occupation of Alcatraz island. The protesters held the island for a year and a half. Richard Oakes wanted to establish an American Indian Nation, consisting of all Native-Americans, including the Alaskans. He want this new nation to also function as a school where everyone could come and learn Native-American culture, philosophy, and sacred ways of being.

Adam Fortunate Eagle

The third image is a collage of pictures of Adam Fortunate Eagle and his wife Bobby. We know a great deal about the Alcatraz occupation thanks to Fortunate Eagle’s book Alcatraz! Alcatraz! It was further explained that Adam was a major organizer and leader of the movement, though Richard Oakes was the leader, the spokesperson, and the face of the movement.

Please take a look at the full entry along with the research paper on Portfolium:

Check out the video below of Richard Oakes making the Proclomation on Alcatraz island:

For more on the historical Alcatraz Occupation, look here:


The following websites should prove most informative concerning these images, and they are the source for the pictures in the images:

[Video of the Richard Oakes Proclamation](
[Documentary: We Hold the Rock](
[Ilka Hartmann Photography](
[Contrary Warrior: The Life and Times of Adam Fortunate Eagle](



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