A Brief Summary of My Netiquette Quiz

I answered each question with my true internet behavior and each answer was correct except for one…

It is very advisable to avoid flame wars with trolls. This is a given, but instead of refusing to respond to trolls, in some places, I have a habit of giving them a chance to redeem themselves. There is a natural tendency in me for conflict resolution, and often, the rudest, most disrespectful trolls turn out to be true human beings if you take a moment to get to know them.

It’s kind of like meeting people in person. Some women and men walk around with such a stubborn, angry attitude that it is almost palatable. All it takes is for someone of the opposite sex to say “Come on now…smile sweetheart!”, and instantly, nine times out of ten, she will bust out with a big, sincere grin.

There’s a lot of people out there who want attention. Many do not care if it is positive or negative. Trolls seek negative attention. Sometimes, if they receive positive attention instead, then they will verbally bust out with a smile like the angry grad student you pass in the hall. It does not happen every time, but I’ve actually seen many trolls apologize for their rudeness…and even say thanks for setting them straight. I know this small skirmish may break out into a flame war, but it is easy for me to contain such flare-ups, though as I said earlier, it is best not to reply at all.

I do not respond to trolls on sites like Facebook or Portfolium, but there are other places where it has been completely feasible to stand up for something. I was taught to defend myself…do not start the fight, but do finish it. Instead of verbally beating a troll to a pulp, which I can do by the way, I prefer to give them a chance to explain themselves…what’s Really bothering them? This unexpected moment in which I flip the entire thing back on them usually causes the troll to exhibit respect, and even want to express remorse for being such an @$$.

Truthfully, the troll is usually not concerned with the disgusting criticism that they impose on you, but rather, they often have some self-esteem issue regarding their own life, and lash out at anyone who will hear them. If we all took a moment to recognize the scared child in a lot of “disagreeable people”, then society may actually take a moment to try and help them to heal. It really isn’t about the troll’s criticism of your point…it is their lack of respect for themselves…

But my recommendation is to Do As Your Professor Says! Do as the textbook says, and do what the Netiquette Quiz recommends. Ignore that ish. 🙂

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