A Brief Essay Regarding Online Privacy and Spokeo.com


After a Search for Names on Spokeo.com

I am genuinely grateful that my name is so common that it gets lost in scores of people with similar names. I could not find any information on myself. The truth is that I cannot stress how thankful that I am at my own circumstances in this respect.

After discovering that my name is embedded with stealth technology, I went on to search the names of two ex-girlfriends. Each of them were located instantly. Both of them have names that are far less common than mine, and though I won’t publish them here, their names are from different languages; one translates to “My Dearest One” and the other translates to “Monsoon Flower”.

No one can discover their names from the tiny bit of information I gave above, because I clearly respect their privacy, unlike sites like Spokeo.com.

Speaking of which, I actually lived with one of them for several years, and our old address is listed, but it is listed without my name, despite the fact that we were both on the lease! Again, I am sure that the common nature of my name protects me! I was very pleased to discover that the most recent addresses for that particular ex were not yet discovered by the site.

It becomes tempting to name one’s future children John Smith and Mary Morgan in order to protect their future privacy! Unfortunately this will probably cease being a protection for them, especially once sentient computer programs give rise to themselves, incorporating cognitive abilities that can discern Anyone’s name!

There goes my intention to name my future son Mazi! It means Sir by the way.

Sites like Spokeo.com clearly make a profit by providing information on people, and they provide it Regardless of the Reason that the searcher is looking for them! Herein lies the insidious nature of it all. Does Everyone in this society deserve the right to search you out and be provided with a detailed map to where you live? Google even provides a street view, and surely the mind of a person bent on nefarious acts can plan their attack directly from the comfort of their own home!

I know a prominent business man who made some rather embarrassing mistakes, and now he has to pay to have his mugshot removed from the Internet all the time! Every time he pays the ransom, his picture creeps up on another site. All of them claim to be providing a public service, but not everyone with a mug shot is guilty. Imagine some innocent person, unable to pay the ransom, with their picture plastered all over. If that person were to harm his/herself because of an inability to find work, well, that isn’t the little mugshot-site’s fault now, is it?

We have a right to our privacy, but increasingly, this right is being stripped away. Some would argue that a world of no secrets would benefit humanity, but in my opinion, this argument is not sound, since the world is not being run by flawless saints with humanity’s best interests at heart…I digress.

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