Tool Inventory

You have to lead an online presentation on the contents of your history paper.


Photoshop to create visuals. A collaborative visualization tool like Prezi to display them. Skype would be an option as well, depending on circumstances and requirements.


Images of historical events breathe life into any discussion around the topic at hand. When used artistically, these visuals help to place your audience in the era that is being presented, and these images also provide a point of reference when one is leading such a presentation. Regardless of the method of presentation, creative visualizations are guaranteed to engage the audience in very compelling ways.

Prezi can be used for videos, photos and links. Relevant video material can significantly impact the level of audience engagement. Skype is useful when presenting to countless numbers of individuals in real time.


The final exam for your economics course is coming up, and you need to collect all of your (and hopefully your classmates’) online resources for a study guide.


Any number folksonomy sites (Flickr for photos of graphs, for bookmarking, etc.) E-mail for file sharing as attachments.


Such sites are ideal for collecting collaborative information. Those needing to draw upon an interactive pool of knowledge would be remiss not to be involved with a study group based around this type of network. E-mail is a staple form of communication, particularly for communications beyond the scope of group discussion.


You need to create an interactive tour of Berlin as an assignment for your study abroad program.




Prezi has features that allow for the interactive component of the assignment, as links can be provided. In addition, photos and videos can be woven into an interactive experience that paints a reasonable picture of the city in question.


You and a group of your classmates have been asked to do a collaboration research project on how Facebook has affected the social habits of young adults.


Google Docs. Blogs.


Blogs provide a forum for discussion that is not confined by real-time requirements. Google Docs allow multiple individuals to edit a single document, a quality that is especially useful for those who prefer real-time interaction.


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