A Brief Summary of My Netiquette Quiz

I answered each question with my true internet behavior and each answer was correct except for one…

It is very advisable to avoid flame wars with trolls. This is a given, but instead of refusing to respond to trolls, in some places, I have a habit of giving them a chance to redeem themselves. There is a natural tendency in me for conflict resolution, and often, the rudest, most disrespectful trolls turn out to be true human beings if you take a moment to get to know them.

It’s kind of like meeting people in person. Some women and men walk around with such a stubborn, angry attitude that it is almost palatable. All it takes is for someone of the opposite sex to say “Come on now…smile sweetheart!”, and instantly, nine times out of ten, she will bust out with a big, sincere grin.

There’s a lot of people out there who want attention. Many do not care if it is positive or negative. Trolls seek negative attention. Sometimes, if they receive positive attention instead, then they will verbally bust out with a smile like the angry grad student you pass in the hall. It does not happen every time, but I’ve actually seen many trolls apologize for their rudeness…and even say thanks for setting them straight. I know this small skirmish may break out into a flame war, but it is easy for me to contain such flare-ups, though as I said earlier, it is best not to reply at all.

I do not respond to trolls on sites like Facebook or Portfolium, but there are other places where it has been completely feasible to stand up for something. I was taught to defend myself…do not start the fight, but do finish it. Instead of verbally beating a troll to a pulp, which I can do by the way, I prefer to give them a chance to explain themselves…what’s Really bothering them? This unexpected moment in which I flip the entire thing back on them usually causes the troll to exhibit respect, and even want to express remorse for being such an @$$.

Truthfully, the troll is usually not concerned with the disgusting criticism that they impose on you, but rather, they often have some self-esteem issue regarding their own life, and lash out at anyone who will hear them. If we all took a moment to recognize the scared child in a lot of “disagreeable people”, then society may actually take a moment to try and help them to heal. It really isn’t about the troll’s criticism of your point…it is their lack of respect for themselves…

But my recommendation is to Do As Your Professor Says! Do as the textbook says, and do what the Netiquette Quiz recommends. Ignore that ish. 🙂

A Brief Essay Regarding Online Privacy and Spokeo.com


After a Search for Names on Spokeo.com

I am genuinely grateful that my name is so common that it gets lost in scores of people with similar names. I could not find any information on myself. The truth is that I cannot stress how thankful that I am at my own circumstances in this respect.

After discovering that my name is embedded with stealth technology, I went on to search the names of two ex-girlfriends. Each of them were located instantly. Both of them have names that are far less common than mine, and though I won’t publish them here, their names are from different languages; one translates to “My Dearest One” and the other translates to “Monsoon Flower”.

No one can discover their names from the tiny bit of information I gave above, because I clearly respect their privacy, unlike sites like Spokeo.com.

Speaking of which, I actually lived with one of them for several years, and our old address is listed, but it is listed without my name, despite the fact that we were both on the lease! Again, I am sure that the common nature of my name protects me! I was very pleased to discover that the most recent addresses for that particular ex were not yet discovered by the site.

It becomes tempting to name one’s future children John Smith and Mary Morgan in order to protect their future privacy! Unfortunately this will probably cease being a protection for them, especially once sentient computer programs give rise to themselves, incorporating cognitive abilities that can discern Anyone’s name!

There goes my intention to name my future son Mazi! It means Sir by the way.

Sites like Spokeo.com clearly make a profit by providing information on people, and they provide it Regardless of the Reason that the searcher is looking for them! Herein lies the insidious nature of it all. Does Everyone in this society deserve the right to search you out and be provided with a detailed map to where you live? Google even provides a street view, and surely the mind of a person bent on nefarious acts can plan their attack directly from the comfort of their own home!

I know a prominent business man who made some rather embarrassing mistakes, and now he has to pay to have his mugshot removed from the Internet all the time! Every time he pays the ransom, his picture creeps up on another site. All of them claim to be providing a public service, but not everyone with a mug shot is guilty. Imagine some innocent person, unable to pay the ransom, with their picture plastered all over. If that person were to harm his/herself because of an inability to find work, well, that isn’t the little mugshot-site’s fault now, is it?

We have a right to our privacy, but increasingly, this right is being stripped away. Some would argue that a world of no secrets would benefit humanity, but in my opinion, this argument is not sound, since the world is not being run by flawless saints with humanity’s best interests at heart…I digress.

We Have to Keep the Facts Straight People!


A Breif Exploration of JustFacts.com Using Parameters in Accordance With  the CRAAP Test

Regarding Currency, the website’s copyright has been updated to the current year, and it has a fresh appearance. Consequently, it is likely relevant to current times.

Regarding Relevance, the site boasts that it is “A Resource for Independent Thinkers”. This seems to be no exaggeration, as the articles and content are very interesting, and their post on race seems quite thorough and informative.

Regarding Authority, the website boasts that is is cited worldwide by prominent organizations, and each is listed, giving credence to the site’s overall authority.

Regarding Accuracy, I have reviewed many posts on the site, and as an undergraduate senior in History and Anthropology, my searches did not find any inaccurate results.

Regarding Purpose, the site seems to exist to promote rational thought and widespread education.



A Brief Exploration of FactCheck.org Using Parameters in Accordance With the CRAAP Test

Regarding Currency, the site is certainly current, as most posts are in reference to the current race for president, and it details the stances and soundbites of various candidates.

Regarding Relevance, the site is clearly relevant, as there is much that has been written about the candidates and the current president.

Regarding Authority, the site claims that it “Monitors the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews, and news releases.”. There is no reason to believe this to be untrue. It has won numerous awards providing this service.

Regarding Accuracy, the site often gives rebuttals to the sound bites of various politicians, and does not seem to discriminate. For example, President Obama is categorized as misleading the public regarding the economy, and Donald Trump is categorized as having said any number of hateful things that are indeed in the press lately.

Regarding Purpose, the site certainly seems to serve a non-partisan purpose, and clearly debunks many dubious statements made by politicians on both sides of the aisle.

Activism that Spans Generations


Tatanka Means 3

This blog post will deal with the actor and comedian Tatanka Means. The assignment requires a search topic, and I find it inspirational that Tatanka Means has followed in the footsteps of his father, celebrated activist Russell Means. Both men have taken it upon themselves to bring the issues and history of Native-Americans into the mainstream community, and this activism is very much welcomed and appreciated. Without it, some may not even know what a true Native-American even looks like or sounds like, and commentary on our existence may be regulated to the stereotypes of old. Fortunately, thanks to those like Tatanka, this is not the case.

Discussion on Search Engine Results

The assignment requires that several search engines be consulted regarding information about the subject at hand. The results are below. Before getting to the results, I present the part of the assignment in which we were asked to compare and contrast the sequence of search results. Interestingly, this has proven to be quite fruitful regarding the workings of how each search engine “thinks”.

For example, both Google and Bing display the actor’s main page first, and the IMDb page second. Interestingly, they diverge there. A significant aspect of this divergence is that Bing found it necessary to include a result on the meaning of the word Tatanka, because the actor’s last name is “Means”. Consequently, it seems that the search engine found it prudent to include results that explain what the word tatanka “means”. This is actually helpful for anyone who does not have the background to already know that “tatanka” means “Buffalo” in the Lakota language.

Equally as interesting, Yahoo placed the IMDb site at the top, and the actor’s own site was the second result. All three included the actor’s Twitter page in the top five, but only Google placed the actor’s Facebook page in the top five. Certainly there is a way to determine the popularity of certain forms of social media from these results, ans well as the relationships of between the search engines and the sites that appear in their search results, but since the obligations of the assignment have been met, I digress.

Discussion on Meta-Search Results

The Meta-Search results were very similar to the previous search results. Interestingly, just like Bing, all three of the meta searches included one result detailing the meaning of the word tatanka. It causes one to wonder if this is truly because of the last name “Means”, which could possibly confuse the search by making it seem that one is asking what tatanka means, or is this because the engines have some built-in function that automatically determine that a definition of the word tatanka is relevant.

Also, just like Google, only ixquick placed the actor’s Facebook page in the top five. Other results were similar across the board, with the IMDb site and the actor’s own personal site jockeying for position at the top.


Search Engine Results


Search String: Tatanka Means

Search Engine: www.Google.com

Tatanka Means

Top 5 Results:


Welcome to Tatanka Means.com. Thank you for taking the time to visit Tatanka’s official website. Here you will find background information, resume, fan forum, and more.



Tatanka Means was born on February 19, 1985 in Rapid City, South Dakota, USA as Tatanka Wanbli Sapa Xila Sabe Means. He is known for his work on A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014), The Scorch Trials (2015) and The Host (2013)



Actor/comedian/speaker Tatanka Means’ star continues to rise. His performance in Tiger Eyes reaped critical praise in 2013 and he’s been a regular supporting character on the Cinemax series Banshee in 2014; now you can see him, albeit briefly, alongside Wes Studi in the Seth MacFarlane comedy A Million Ways to Die in the West. He shared his thoughts on the film and his upcoming projects with ICTMN.



SCREEN ACTOR // STAND-UP COMEDIAN // Believe in Yourself. Healthy Living. Sobriety. Watch SAINTS & STRANGERS now on DVD Oglala Lakotah | Omaha | Dine’



North Dakota! Get to the polls and VOTE for my brotha Chase Iron Eyes Chase Iron Eyes TODAY for CONGRESS. Spread the word n let’s help get one of our own into office to represent correct. ‪#‎northdakota‬


Search String: Tatanka Means

Search Engine: Bing.com

Tatanka Means 2

Top 5 Results:


Welcome to Tatanka Means.com. Thank you for taking the time to visit Tatanka’s official website. Here you will find background information, resume, fan forum, and more.



Tatanka Means was born on February 19, 1985 in Rapid City, South Dakota, USA as Tatanka Wanbli Sapa Xila Sabe Means. He is known for his work on A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014), The Scorch Trials (2015) and The Host (2013)



Tatanka Means is an award-winning actor, stand-up comedian and motivational speaker from Chinle, Arizona. He represents the Oglala Lakota, Omaha and Navajo Nations. His most recent movie credits include Saints & Strangers for the National Geographic Channel, A Million Ways to Die in The West with director Seth Macfarlane, and in his role as “Wolf” in, Tiger Eyes, based upon the acclaimed novel by author, Judy Blume. His performance for this breakout role was well received including positive reviews from Rolling Stone Magazine. Means won Best Actor awards at multiple film festivals for this role.



What does Tatanka mean?

In the Lakota language, the word ‘Tatanka’ means buffalo.


SCREEN ACTOR // STAND-UP COMEDIAN // Believe in Yourself. Healthy Living. Sobriety. Watch SAINTS & STRANGERS now on DVD Oglala Lakotah | Omaha | Dine’


Search String: Tatanka Means

Search Engine: Yahoo.com

Tatanka Means 4


Tatanka Means was born on February 19, 1985 in Rapid City, South Dakota, USA as Tatanka Wanbli Sapa Xila Sabe Means. He is known for his work on A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014), The Scorch Trials (2015) and The Host (2013)



Welcome to Tatanka Means.com. Thank you for taking the time to visit Tatanka’s official website. Here you will find background information, resume, fan forum, and more.



SCREEN ACTOR // STAND-UP COMEDIAN // Believe in Yourself. Healthy Living. Sobriety. Watch SAINTS & STRANGERS now on DVD Oglala Lakotah | Omaha | Dine’



Tatanka Means is an award-winning actor, stand-up comedian and motivational speaker from Chinle, Arizona. He represents the Oglala Lakota, Omaha and Navajo Nations. His most recent movie credits include Saints & Strangers for the National Geographic Channel, A Million Ways to Die in The West with director Seth Macfarlane, and in his role as “Wolf” in, Tiger Eyes, based upon the acclaimed novel by author, Judy Blume. His performance for this breakout role was well received including positive reviews from Rolling Stone Magazine. Means won Best Actor awards at multiple film festivals for this role.

Meta-Search Engine Results

Search String: Tatanka Means

Search Engine: www.Dogpile.com

TatankaMeans Native American Comedian, Actor, Speaker, Entrepreneur. Main Navigation. Home Page; Bio; Actor; Comedian; Video; Reviews; Store; Contact; Media; Welcome!
TatankaMeans, Actor: A Million Ways to Die in the West. TatankaMeans was born on February 19, 1985 in Rapid City, South Dakota, USA as Tatanka Wanbli Sapa Xila Sabe …
TatankaMeans is an award-winning actor, stand-up comedian and motivational speaker from Chinle, Arizona. He represents the Oglala Lakota, Omaha …
In the Lakota language, the word ‘Tatankameans buffalo.
The latest Tweets from TatankaMeans (@TatankaMeans). SCREEN ACTOR // STAND-UP COMEDIAN // Believe in Yourself. Healthy Living. Sobriety. Watch SAINTS & STRANGERS …
Search String: Tatanka Means

Search Engine: www.hotbot.com


  • Tatanka Means | Native American Actor, Comedian, Speaker

    Tatanka Means Native American Comedian, Actor, Speaker, Entrepreneur. Main Navigation. Home Page; Bio; Actor; Comedian; Video; Reviews; Store; Contact; Media; Welcome!

  • Tatanka Means – IMDb

    Tatanka Means, Actor: A Million Ways to Die in the West. Tatanka Means was born on February 19, 1985 in Rapid City, South Dakota, USA as Tatanka Wanbli Sapa Xila Sabe …

  • Bio – Tatanka Means

    Tatanka Means is an award-winning actor, stand-up comedian and motivational speaker from Chinle, Arizona. He represents the Oglala Lakota, Omaha …

  • What does Tatanka mean – Answers.com

    In the Lakota language, the word ‘Tatanka’ means buffalo.

  • Tatanka Means (@TatankaMeans) | Twitter

    The latest Tweets from Tatanka Means (@TatankaMeans). SCREEN ACTOR // STAND-UP COMEDIAN // Believe in Yourself. Healthy Living. Sobriety. Watch SAINTS & STRANGERS …


Search String: Tatanka Means

Search Engine: www.ixquick.com










Advice for success in online courses.

Suggestion 1:

Maintain a proper balance of sleep and nutrition. Like a marathon runner, one must maintain a pace that exudes endurance and tenacity. Much like a steady camp fire is fed a sustaining supply of wood, so must the individual feed one’s self with the proper rest and healthy fuel.

Suggestion 2:

Do as much work ahead of time as possible. Projects that are not yet fully defined by the instructor can be skimmed, to get a general idea of the knowledge that may be presented.

Suggestion 3:

Maintain a work-space. The classroom is virtual, but then again, you chose the environment for your own classroom in such a scenario, do you not? It should be the most comfortable, work-facilitating environment possible, without distraction and as free of all interference as possible.

Tool Inventory

You have to lead an online presentation on the contents of your history paper.


Photoshop to create visuals. A collaborative visualization tool like Prezi to display them. Skype would be an option as well, depending on circumstances and requirements.


Images of historical events breathe life into any discussion around the topic at hand. When used artistically, these visuals help to place your audience in the era that is being presented, and these images also provide a point of reference when one is leading such a presentation. Regardless of the method of presentation, creative visualizations are guaranteed to engage the audience in very compelling ways.

Prezi can be used for videos, photos and links. Relevant video material can significantly impact the level of audience engagement. Skype is useful when presenting to countless numbers of individuals in real time.


The final exam for your economics course is coming up, and you need to collect all of your (and hopefully your classmates’) online resources for a study guide.


Any number folksonomy sites (Flickr for photos of graphs, Delicious.com for bookmarking, etc.) E-mail for file sharing as attachments.


Such sites are ideal for collecting collaborative information. Those needing to draw upon an interactive pool of knowledge would be remiss not to be involved with a study group based around this type of network. E-mail is a staple form of communication, particularly for communications beyond the scope of group discussion.


You need to create an interactive tour of Berlin as an assignment for your study abroad program.




Prezi has features that allow for the interactive component of the assignment, as links can be provided. In addition, photos and videos can be woven into an interactive experience that paints a reasonable picture of the city in question.


You and a group of your classmates have been asked to do a collaboration research project on how Facebook has affected the social habits of young adults.


Google Docs. Blogs.


Blogs provide a forum for discussion that is not confined by real-time requirements. Google Docs allow multiple individuals to edit a single document, a quality that is especially useful for those who prefer real-time interaction.


Hello world!


Greetings all,

I am a senior at Georgia State University majoring in History and minoring in Anthropology. Human civilization fascinates me, and I hope to use the skills that I attain to work in any number of fields in Anthropology and Historic Preservation.