Why Should I Care?
In society, there are a lot of stereotypes regarding different generations. A lot of these stereotypes are false and discriminatory. Harmful stereotypes of each generation must be debunked and addressed within the team to have better cohesion and communication with one another. Being aware of these harmful stereotypes helps us become more aware and gain a deeper understanding of where our teammates come from and their unique experiences. This helps our team feel less targeted by stereotypes, increases long-term goal commitment, and builds trust within the company. Most of today’s stereotypes are based on small samples, no true scientific research, and off of baseless claims. Discouraging generational stereotypes can lead to more cooperation between these groups in the workplace. Having employees from different generations can offer different perspectives in meetings and discussions in the workplace. When comparing generational groups, it is revealed that there are only small differences and that what may be going on is that there is a fear of generational differences impacting their work life. “In terms of skills, Generation Z and Millennials have grown up alongside the technology we use daily today, which gives them a knack for innovation and ‘making things work’,” Johns says. “Meanwhile, Generation X and Baby Boomers started working prior to such technology, which can make them more gifted with interpersonal skills that help a company’s teams gel” (UMass Global, 2023). We care about cohesion in the workplace because when employees from different generations can work together well, this can promote motivation in their roles and encourage work ethic.