How can I use this in my job?

Applying an open perspective towards a multi-generational workplace to your profession can lead to several opportunities. First, it requires critical thinking to recognize different strengths across the generations. A few values many companies have but aren’t instilled are respect, diversity, & inclusion. With such a broad topic, it’s important to embody a work culture that makes everyone feel valuable, which plays into communication & active listening.

Communication is one of the most important factors for someone to apply this topic. While engaging in a task that requires teamwork, honed communication skills that are usable between multiple generations are paramount. The ability to communicate with your peers and like-minded individuals is all well and good, it can lead to a ‘bubble’ of yes-men. Avoiding this bubble by engaging with other generations not only lends insights one group may not have, but it allows the other group to advise on certain issues they have faced and overcome. It is important to everyone, whether they are in a leadership role or not, to have strong communication skills that allow all generations in the workplace to be successful.

Finally, being able to ‘walk in someone else’s shoes’ is important. Hearing and understanding the perspective of others is a skill many people think they have when in reality they only have the former. Understanding, or even being willing to understand the perspective of other generations is a skill that is worth investing in as it improves communication which we have already established as being a key factor in workplace productivity. Being able to understand where someone is coming from, as well as what factors led to their opinions will make an individual a phenomenal team member and leader.