What is Grit?

Grit can be defined as the passion and perseverance that one has throughout a long-term time frame on a consistent topic or goal. Many may believe that it is positively correlated with a high level of IQ but that is not the case. Grit is actually highly correlated with the Big Five Conscientiousness. Though it correlates to conscientiousness in the achievement aspect, it does differ in the aspect of long-term and short-term commitment. The dependability aspect of conscientiousness including self-control is also different from grit when dealing with goals and commitment. For example, someone with high self-control but lower grit may be able to control bad habits such as a poor diet, skipping breakfast, or lying but will have low commitment and switch jobs every year.


When someone has grit, they continuously strive for success and their goals regardless of the time and failures that may come their way. They see this as a form of stamina as it fuels them. They don’t tend to get distracted or bored from the objective as the common person would because of their high level of grit. So much so that they purposely set up difficult goals with the intent to pursue them regardless of any negative feedback, failure, or obstacle they face. Many people without grit tend to do the opposite. They will set easy and short-term goals as it will have a higher level of success.


Grit is important to have as it is a determinator of who will accomplish challenging goals. Some people may say accomplishments come from talent and that talented people are successful, but what makes a talented person? A talented person is not born knowing how to play the piano perfectly, it takes time and dedication to learning. The grit in an individual to continue their practice for hours, days, and years comes from their perseverance and passion towards their goal regardless of failures along the way, it’s about the long-term commitment towards perfecting their craft. To have success you must have talent which is accomplished through grit. 

You may be wondering what are some of the characteristics of grit and if any correlate with you. Here are 5 characteristics of Grit:

  • Courage
  • Conscientiousness: Achievement Oriented 
  • Long-Term Goals and Endurance
  • Resilience: Optimism, Confidence, and Creativity
  • Excellence 

It is important to have courage as it is what helps you manage your fear of failure. The gritty individual understands that part of the process towards success may include failure yet that will not stop them from getting back up and continuing towards their goal. Achievement oriented within conscientiousness is a high indicator of grit compared to someone who is simply just dependable because their presence without achievements is not enough for success. As mentioned earlier, someone with grit will place long-term goals for themselves and follow through with them regardless of any obstacles along the way. This is where resilience takes place as it is needed to get back up when faced with these obstacles. Resilience is made up of three important components: optimism, creativity, and confidence. Lastly, excellence is what makes for success. A gritty individual does not seek perfection but strives for excellence. Excellence is far more forgiving than perfection, it allows for failure and vulnerability along the way.