Travel restrictions have been a relevant social issue in 2021 because people like to travel all year round and the restrictions change all the time. It is important to have restrictions in order to keep the world in order and safe. Due to covid 19, it has affected our travel routines and rules to ensure the safety of the public and the stop of the spread of covid 19. The first scholarly source that I will use in the expository research essay is titled “Travel Restrictions Hampering COVID-19 Response” which this article will discuss how countries limit travel to take measures to limit the spread of the virus to save lives. The second scholarly source that I will use in the expository research essay is titled “Outbreak Dynamics of Covid-19 In Europe And The Effect Of Travel Restrictions” which this article will discuss their attempt to control the spreading of the virus through their external borders. The third scholarly source that I will use in the expository research essay is titled “Is It Safe To Lift COVID-19 Travel Bans? The Newfoundland Story” which this article claims there should be a restriction on incoming travel to prevent local outbreaks. The verifiable source that I will use in the expository research essay is titled “What To Know About California’s COVID-19 Restrictions” in which they discuss they want to restrict full compacity in business and events as well as different gatherings to be held outdoor only and are against traveling out of state.
I plan to reference the MLA Formatting Checklist, MLA 8 Style Worksheet Fall 2018, and MLA Page Layout Template documents which all can be located from the readings on iCollege to ensure that I follow perfect MLA page formatting in the expository essay. I plan to properly use MLA citations by referencing the Synthesizing sources link, Purdue OWL, which can be found from the links on iCollege. To ensure that I use correct grammar and have a concise style I plan to reference Grammarly because it will show all of the grammatical errors for me to correct as well as use The Elements of Academic Style link from the links page on iCollege. I plan to reference the Content and Analysis Prezi to show effective reading comprehension when writing how the prompt desires. Additional tools, readings, or resources that I will be using or plan on using to meet these expectations is the Style Preferences document from the readings section on iCollege.
Relevant struggles that I am experiencing with Major Assignment 3 is stressing over the idea of me missing the important points of this essay. I want to make sure that I follow everything that is required to complete the expository essay. I think the 1,000 word-length minimum for the expository essay will be a new challenge. I am not sure if it will be too much or too little for me until I am actually in the process of completing the assignment because I have never had to write an essay that required that many words although I do have confidence in myself. I feel that as long as I have sources to use, it will be easier for me to figure out what information to use with them. When I am normally writing an essay it usually is not hard for me to make the word length. I think that I won’t have any troubles squeezing 4 sources within the essay because for one the minimum requirement is extended long enough to not run out of space. The only pitfall I have with the writing process is anxiety because sometimes I get overwhelmed with trying to make sure I am doing everything right.