Melody Evans
Dr. Andy Fentem
English 1101
11 November 2021
COVID-19 Travel Restrictions
Issues with travel restrictions have occurred since the coronavirus and still affect many countries around the U.S. today. It stays a social problem because cases of COVID-19 change all the time; therefore, travel restrictions will continue to change around the world. The world focuses on ensuring the public’s safety to stop the spread of the virus that affects their rules and travel routines daily. Before the coronavirus, travel restrictions were not in place; and there were people spreading the virus to multiple countries in different regions worldwide because everyone wanted to travel and did not take COVID-19 seriously. Everyone worldwide began to get scared once they heard how many people had caught the coronavirus and had also died from it. Then the vaccine came out to help people not to attract the virus from public places. It made some people feel safe, and some felt like the vaccine would not work. Many countries feel it is the stop of the coronavirus, so they made it mandatory that everyone takes the vaccine and wears a face mask to fly. It did start to slow cases down because now many people were not flying; therefore, fewer people were spreading the virus to other countries. Travel restriction’s primary purpose is to slow down the virus and make the world safe again because the United States cannot afford to shut completely down.
Before COVID-19 was an issue, travel restriction did not impact the world profoundly as it does today. There was no social distancing, mask mandates, and a shortage in plane flights because there was no suspicion or fear of this deadly virus in years. Travel restrictions have socially harmed people who cannot travel for family matters or other issues and problems. Since there have been cases where people have died from contracting this deadly virus if they had family in other states or countries, they most likely could not attend the funeral due to the new restrictions. Both the coronavirus and the new travel restrictions that have been in place have impacted the world significantly due to the frustration it continues to cause. It has also made the tourism industry income drop which causes economic harm because fewer people can travel. The United States believed travel bans were necessary on outside countries because they felt that the virus did not start here, and other countries brought it among us. Therefore, they want society to be fully protected from the virus because to re-enter the United States, and everyone must come back with negative test results or documentation stating they have recovered from the coronavirus, whether they are a U.S. citizen or not. Travel restrictions make society aware that it is essential to take better precautions to keep everyone safe. Not only does the U.S. hold travel restrictions, but many counties around the world have also adopted the same restrictions and made some of their own. If someone does not agree or comply with their travel restrictions, they will not be allowed to fly until they follow all necessary precautions. There will be three scholarly articles introduced that discuss or relate to Covid-19 travel precautions.