My New and Improved Blog
For the last week or so, I’ve been working a lot on the appearance and accessibility of my blog. The edits I made required me to activate some plugins on wordpress, which of course I had to Google what the heck those were. The ones that I think were the most useful were the media tree, the document, and the Google fonts plugins. I haven’t quite figured out the media tree yet, but when I do it will be very useful for uploading multiple media at once. The document one allows me to put a document on my page, and I’m looking for something that I could post to do that. The font plugin wasn’t really necessary, but I like my blog to look nice, and the fonts contribute to that a lot, I feel. I also activated a shortcodes plugin and a Zotero plugin, and I’m still a little confused on what exactly those do, but I’m sure if I keep looking, Google will have the answer.
Another major adjustment to my blog is in regards to pages, menus, and categories. When I initially went to install a menu on my blog, I set it up so that each menu link would take you to a page where I labeled each one according to the menu name. That was great and all, but I had no idea how to copy my posts from the all posts page and put them on the individual project pages. Eventually, I scrapped the pages entirely when I realized I could select my categories to be put on the menu. For that, I had to go through and fix all my categories to make them the ones we discussed in class (good thing I took thorough notes regarding that). I also found out how to make a static page and include a little blurb about the blog and the content that will be uploaded.
I’m actually really excited to use this now that I’ve customized it to my liking. I have an old film SLR that I’ve been using around the city, and I just haven’t gotten a chance to develop the reels of film. I plan on doing that ASAP now. Since they give you both the physical pictures and a disc with the digital copies, I can easily upload those to my blog and continue discussing my various adventures! I’m not going to lie, I kind of dreaded using this blog because I didn’t understand it, but as long as you take an afternoon and figure out how to use it, it becomes a lot more fun.