Recycled Being & Quite Drawing (12 October, 2022)
For this project we created tonal drawings that use charcoal pencil in an additive process, that build layers of value with no visible lines. I least enjoyed constructing these drawings. I struggle with using charcoal pencils, and finding the different values to create realistic images. I did, however enjoy constructing the 3D Recycled Being. I envisioned creating something that was loud and free, and I feel my deign executed that. Sketching the Recycled Being was rather difficult given the material we had to use. Despite a few complications, I was still able to capture the beauty and values on the being. For my quite drawing I chose my glasses because it was the most comfortable and softest object to me. I am not familiar with “quite” environments, I’m most comfortable in loud and bright settings. Creating this setup and art piece was extremely calming. To only make it something look quite but also feel quite while using harsh and light values is a very tedious task. I eventually was able to capture a quite image. I am very proud of the effort and dedication I put into this project.
Materials: Strathmore 400 Series Drawing Paper, Charcoal Pencils (2B,4B, & 4B), X-acto Knife, Magic Rub Eraser,
SIZE: 18 X 24