
The Mass Spectrometry Facility at Georgia State University is a research resource to provide modern instrumentations and expertise in the analysis of chemical and biological molecules with state-of-the-art mass spectrometers. The Facility operates four instruments including a Waters’ LCMS with Xevo-G2-xs Q-TOF (ESI(APCI)-Q-TOF) MS and an Acquity I class-UPLC, Shimadzu’s Axima Confidence MALDI-TOF, an LCMS with Waters Xevo-TQ-s micro [ESI(APCI)-Triple Quadruple] MS and Acquity H class-UPLC and Agilent’s 5973 network MS with 6890N network GC system. The Facility also operates a NanoTemper’s Monolith X for binding affinity analysis.

The Facility can perform routine low- and high-resolution mass measurement with different ionization modes such as EI, ESI, APCI and MALDI of small organic molecules, biomacromolecules such as peptides, proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and oligosaccharides, polymers, and metals. The Facility also routinely conducts high resolution accurate mass analyses and elemental composition determinations, tandem (MS/MS) experiments, and LC separations with MS detection and quantitation as requested by users.

The Facility also provides service on binding affinity assays with a NanoTemper’s Monolith X instrument.

Director of GSU Mass Spectrometry Facilities:

Dr. Siming WangDr. Siming Wang
Department of Chemistry
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 4098
Atlanta, GA 30302-4098

Office: 505 Science Annex
Phone: (404)-413-5558

MS Facilities: 438A Natural Science Center
Phone: (404)-413-5494