Analyzing Film and Other Digital Environments

Pavis, Patrice. Analyzing Performance: Theater, Dance, and Film. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan, 2003. Google Books. Google Books. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.
Patris Pavis, Professor for Theatre Studies at the University of Kent in Canterbury writes in his book, Analyzing Performance:Theater, Dance, and Film. Pavis heavily relied on his Ethos as a heavily accredited Professor of Theater Studies, using his knowledge in the field as his primary source. Paris Pavis’s purpose in composing this book is to inform and provide instruction to those who watch and properly analyze artistic outlets like film, theater, and dance. The intended audience are researchers, performers wanting to know how they will be analyzed, directors, production members for artistic showcases, other people in academia who analyze art forms. This is useful to others who analyze art because it provides credible direction outlining how properly to analyze art based of the form, making something as abstract as analyzing art into a more concrete action. For performers, this book is useful because it gives them an outline of how their performances will be perceived by those knowledgable in the art field. For researchers this book is useful because it provides them with information on how to further analyze art to be possibly used in their research.

Actually An Annotation: Transforming Contemporary Art in Urban Setting

Mikaili Armstrong

English 1102


23 February 2016



Guey, Lynne. “A 12-Acre ‘Goat Farm’ Is Transforming The Arts Scene In Atlanta.” Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc., 2013. Web. 24 Feb. 2016.


Lynne Guey, Careers and War Room writer for the Business Insider’s website “” focuses on the industrial contemporary art space located in Atlanta called Goat Farm in her article: A 12-acre “Goat Farm” Is Transforming The Arts Scene In Atlanta:  “Since its inception in 2008, The Goat Farm Arts Center, a for-profit arts incubator located in West Midtown Atlanta, has become one of the most densely packed group of artists in the nation, with more than 450 artists and and more than 100 programs held annually(Guey).”For her article, Lynne relies heavily on primary sources, such as exploring Cabbagetown and writing first hand accounts of her surrounding area in which she lives.  Her purpose in writing this article is to create an informative piece on Goat Farm Contemporary Art Center and highlight the achievements made by the center within the Atlanta art scene. The intended audience for this informative piece is members of the Atlanta art scene and visitors or inhabitants of Atlanta looking to experience some of the Atlanta Art scene. This article is useful in providing general information on the origin of Goat Farm Contemporary Art Center and further information on what services they provide to the Atlanta art scene.