Actually An Annotation: Digital Media Data Analysis Faux Pas

Brown, Ammon. “Avoid These 3 Common Mistakes in Digital Media Data Analysis.” Search Engine Watch Avoid These 3 Common Mistakes in Digital Media Data Analysis Comments., 05 July 2011. Web. 28 Mar. 2016.

Ammon Brown, a professional internet marketer with a veritable cornucopia of digital media skills and a: “self proclaimed former Googler, startup veteran, shoddy programmer, SEO and SEM nerd, all around generalist in the digital space by day and by night carouser and stand up comedian” writes in his article “By understanding the caveats of digital media data analysis and examining relationships carefully, media planners and buyers can launch and manage better performing campaigns with accurate, proven results” (Brown). Brown heavily relies on his primary sources and general knowledge on the topic as a professional internet marketer in composing this article, his professional occupation reinforcing his ethos. His purpose is to inform companies on how to more efficiently analyze and market to consumers via digital media. The intended audience are companies who utilize digital marketing to reach their consumers and those with interest in digital analysis data and how it can be applied in beyond the virtual world and into reality.This is useful because it notifies business of how they are making mistakes in reaching their consumers to generate business growth, it also works to notify consumers of what business tactics are being utilized to gain profit by major businesses, and it aids researchers of digital analysis and users of the internet how to change their digital rhetoric to reach a broader audience or bring a positive digital consumers.

Actually An Annotation: Act Like A Student, Analyze (Video) Like A Teacher

Lee, Joon Sun, Herbert P. Ginsberg, and Michael D. Preston. “Analyzing Videos to Learn to Think Like an Expert Teacher.” Beyond the Journal, July 2007. Web. 28 Mar. 2016.

Joon Sun Lee is assistant professor of early childhood education at Hunter College of the City University of New York, Herbert P. Ginsburg a professor of psychology and education at  Columbia University, and Michael D. Preston of CCNMTL, executive director of NYC Foundation for Computer Science Education describe and discuss our experiences as university researchers integrating videos into courses on early childhood mathematics education in their paper, Analyzing Videos to Learn to Think Like an Expert Teacher. The authors relied heavily on primary sources like their personal experiences as researchers integrating videos into courses for childhood, conducting their own studies and recording their own information from said experiments. Their purpose in writing this article is to exhibit the positive effects of integrating videos into the mathematic curriculum of young children and to promote the integration of videos into common curriculum. The intended audience are those researching the effect of the introduction of digital spaces or rhetoric, including video, into curriculum and other teachers or professors. This article is useful because it exhibits first hand evidence of the usefulness of integrating digital rhetoric and/or spaces into early childhood curriculum, resulting in the advancement of analysis skills for the kids introduced. The article is useful to researchers, teachers, and kids who would benefit from integration or analysis of videos to improve analyzation skills.

Actually An Annotation: Analyzing Digital Spaces

Amant, Kirk St. “A Prototype Theory Approach to International Website Analysis and Design.” Technical Communication Quarterly 14.1 (2005): 73-91. Google Scholar. Web. 28 Mar. 2016.

Kirk Amant, Associate Professor of Technical and Professional Communication in the Department of English at East Carolina University, writes in his scholastic journal titled A Prototype Theory Approach to International Website Analysis and Design : ” As global online access grows,  Website designers find themselves creating materials for an increasing international audience. Cultural groups, however, can have different expectations of what constitutes acceptable Website design.” Aman relies heavily on secondary sources such as analyzing the way peoples from different cultures and demographics perceive online spaces, and primary sources such as his own personal research and statistical data as a Professor of Technical and Professional communication. His purpose is to provide a methodology for analyzing Websites that would help digital space creators to design more effective online materials. His work is useful because it provides researches, digital analyzers, users of the internet or an form of digital technology an outline or methodology for analyzing digital spaces. It also provides a guideline for creators of digital spaces or rhetoric to use to make the perception of their digital content positive or more widely received.

Can You Walk With All The Colors of the Wind? Vanessa Johnson and Mikaili Armstrong

The red leaves on a tree in the main plaza by the library.

The red leaves on a tree in the main plaza by the library.

Our color walk was quickly catalyzed by dark red-brown steps going down from Professor Arrington’s classroom. The exit signs illuminated above head directed us past the administrative offices and to the “Read Signal” letters box  that sent us veering to the right only to lead us to another reddish brown path way broken up by the slope of stairs. Off to the left the bright red of two Coca-Cola machines lead us out to the quad where a myriad of red shades stop us, causing us to turn our heads in every direction to take it all in. Red shoes, the red leaves of several of the trees, when finally a boysitting at the fountain with bright- almost luminescent in the sunlight- red adidas pants pulls us to the square separating Langdale Hall, Kell Hall and Classroom South. In this square red hair, red socks tucked under the bright blue jeans of a student speed walking, a faded red shirt of someone sitting in the quad renders us motionless, again, as we work to take in and dutifully observe the many spectral shades of red around us. By the time our color walk was over at around 1:50 P.M., I noticed I had only observed a minuscule fraction of the colors all around us. While red was the first thing to catch my eye, my overall attention span was broadened to include the spectrum of all colors perceivable to my eye. This exercise is potentially useful to a researcher of any kind to use if done properly, for it awakens the sensitivity to acute detail in the mind. This can be translated into other forms of research by exercising the brain to be more attentive to all acute details- not just in color.

The bright red of the coke machines that lead me to the plaza.

The bright red of the coke machines that lead me to the plaza.


Analyzing Film and Other Digital Environments

Pavis, Patrice. Analyzing Performance: Theater, Dance, and Film. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan, 2003. Google Books. Google Books. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.
Patris Pavis, Professor for Theatre Studies at the University of Kent in Canterbury writes in his book, Analyzing Performance:Theater, Dance, and Film. Pavis heavily relied on his Ethos as a heavily accredited Professor of Theater Studies, using his knowledge in the field as his primary source. Paris Pavis’s purpose in composing this book is to inform and provide instruction to those who watch and properly analyze artistic outlets like film, theater, and dance. The intended audience are researchers, performers wanting to know how they will be analyzed, directors, production members for artistic showcases, other people in academia who analyze art forms. This is useful to others who analyze art because it provides credible direction outlining how properly to analyze art based of the form, making something as abstract as analyzing art into a more concrete action. For performers, this book is useful because it gives them an outline of how their performances will be perceived by those knowledgable in the art field. For researchers this book is useful because it provides them with information on how to further analyze art to be possibly used in their research.

Campus Shooting: Georgia State University’s Rhetoric as an Inner City Institution Description

Georgia State University Homepage.

Georgia State University Homepage.

When Georgia State University’s homepage loads, one is immediately greeted with a video titled: “Accepted? Find Out What’s Next” playing in a rectangular box with arrows on each side that allow the reader to toggle through some of the highlighted information or events presented by the school. Immediately having my attention pulled to the video and the pictures on the site, I notice that each of the links associated with each individual photo illuminates a positive aspect of attending Georgia State. The video edited to include footage of students walking through the plaza, food being prepared in the dining halls, or the university’s more modern, contemporary architectural buildings such as Aderhold and the Law Building. When clicked upon, links will send you to articles on technological or scientific  advancements all affiliated with Georgia States Research 1 graduate program.


Atlanta Built Environment Project: Race and Segregation

Claim #1: Overall, Atlanta’s exterior built environment encourages and sustains racism in the city.



SCHINDLER, SARAH. “Architectural Exclusion: Discrimination And Segregation Through Physical Design Of The Built Environment.” Yale Law Journal 124.6 (2015): 1934-2024. Academic Search Complete. Web.

Hankins, Katherine B., Robert Cochran, and Kate Driscoll Derickson. “Making Space, Making Race: Reconstituting White Privilege In Buckhead, Atlanta.” Social & Cultural Geography 13.4 (2012): 379-397.

Even noting the titles of the articles you will see the clear racial elements that must be discussed in each of them. With keywords such as “discrimination”, “segregation”, and “white privilege” a connotation of race relations is present due to the society we live in- The United States of America where race relations and themes of binary racial tensions specifically between Blacks and Whites is a fundamental part of our social makeup now and in history.  Architectural Exclusion by Sarah Schindler illuminates the ways built environments and certain spaces promote racial inequities, while Making Space, Making Race: Reconstituting White Privilege In Buckhead, Atlanta  highlights the after effects of this institutionalized racial divide.



This popular source article explains and provides a good amount of statistical data on Gentrification. Gentrification is the relocation of inhabitants and rebuilding of an area, in such a way that property value is increased. Because of the fact that caucasians on average make up the greatest percent of those in the economical upper and middle class tiers, gentrification subsequently is a form of racism and segregation. The statistical information in the article provides good ethos.  



SCHINDLER, SARAH. “Architectural Exclusion: Discrimination And Segregation Through Physical Design Of The Built Environment.” Yale Law Journal 124.6 (2015): 1934-2024. Academic Search Complete. Web.


Apex Museum

Apex Museum

Claim #2: Atlanta’s interior environments reflect an unspoken, ongoing segregation.



This article highlights White Privilege in places of residency with higher socio economic status. White Privilege is a direct result of institutionalized racism in America, this ties into the issue of institunalized classism (building ethos) as Caucasians make up the majority of those ranked higher in the American classist system, thus subsequently causing segregation based on race in Atlanta.

This article highlights segregation in a socio economic sense. Occupy Atlanta protesters gathered at Woodruff Park refuse to leave, demanding answers due to the huge fiscal stratification within the American classist system keeping the elitist, high earning 1% segregated from the remaining 99% living as middle class to below the poverty line. Illuminates another form of institutionalized systematic segregation typical to the United States apart from race.







Some Summarizing Stuff: All [Internet] In Moderation.

Trigger Warning Label that may be seen on some sites.

Trigger Warning Label that may be seen on some sites.

In the article Better Online Living Through Content Moderation by Melissa King, King argues that modes of controlling the ability for online content to reach certain individuals or an audience that could be potentially harmed by anxiety triggering digital content is extremely helpful and necessary for stopping the effects of abuse: “Content control is helpful in limiting the worst of these [cyber] attacks, which themselves can cause PTSD if severe or long-term enough. While using content control features is not guaranteed to stop the effects of abuse, they do help and their use should not be disparaged and discouraged” (King). King goes on to articulate and provides rebuttals to some of the arguments formed against her point of view on the matter, focusing three counter arguments: the Exposure Theory counter that some triggering web content seen by those with PTSD has the same effect as a psychological treatment process of showing triggering images or sounds to a patient with PTSD in a controlled environment to help the anxiety ridden patient rid of their anxiety: “Exposure Therapy is not about having random internet strangers hurl insults and threats at someone with the hope they somehow come out more mentally durable. Without controlled exposure, someone suffering from PTSD is likely to have their trauma magnified rather than reduced when faced with triggering content” (King). The second argument articulated by King is one where those blocked by massblocklists claim “defamation for statements and opinions that they did not make” (King). King replies that these claims cannot possibly hold up when blocklists make its filtration of content methodology clear and those blocked have been blocked because the flirtation system picked up triggering web content from their modem. Thirdly, King rebukes the argument that online bullying or triggering content are simply words on the screen without any real tangible effect or any valid legal ramifications because cyber attacks or exposure to triggering content (especially when over a prolonged period of time)  have been proven to have lasting negative effects, and threatening, stalking, and other forms of cyber attacks are in fact illegal in most states.

A cartoon depiction of cyber-attacking and its effects.

A cartoon depiction of cyber-attacking and its  effects.

King explains the discouragement of forms of online protection is a show of inadequate human empathy and the proven lasting effects online triggers is why there remains a necessity for content control. Admitting that a generalized approach to the problem (large-scale censorship of certain online triggers) wouldn’t work, King still calls for solution in the stead of complacency for violence online:”On a personal level, nobody has a responsibility to weather outright harassment, and should be allowed and encouraged to mitigate what they can not handle. Telling people otherwise is complicity in a system of violence against marginalized people: anti-content control rhetoric supplants widely-available psychological and sociological facts for misinformed opinions that are not only insufficient for helping others manage their own mental state, but offer wholly inadequate solutions for increasingly pervasive and harmful patterns of online abuse” (King).




Some Summarizing Stuff: Can You Paint With All The Colors of the Wind?

In article Color Walking by Phia Bennin and Brendan McMullan the two carry out an experiment attributed to William Burroughs called color walking. The duo describe it as a pretty simplistic idea to call attention to the beautiful color within the normalcy we experience day to day: “Just walk out your door, pick a color that catches your eye, and watch your surroundings pop as you follow the color from object to object. While you walk, you’ll be struck by the red of a bicyclist’s shorts, the sunburn on a woman’s shoulders, the pealing paint on the fire hydrant” (Bennin, McMullan). The two authors used a method of color walking that allowed them to change which colors directed them where and embarked on their journey. Posting a digital map allowing the reader to interact with their color catalyzed journey, the audience can see what colors pulled them where. Lastly, we’re provided with several tips to help those who chose to embark on their own color journey: “Give yourself an hour of uninterrupted time, no commutes, no errands, just eye time. Pick a color, or let a color pick you–follow the one that makes your heart go thump-thump. If you get lost, pick another color. If you get really lost, you’re on the right track” (Bennin, McMullan). This listing of directions on how to color walk further acts as a mode of interaction with digital space for the audience in addition with the virtual mapping of the authors’ color walk. This multimodal aspect of the digital sphere is what connects the audience to the article and enables that learned from this article to be enacted outside the digital sphere and in reality.

Actually An Annotation: Goat Farm Pamphlet

Brownfields2013, comp. Goat Farm Handouts. Brownsfield2013. Print.
The compiler of this pamphlet Brownsfield: Sustainable Communities Start Here is a Conference and Environmental Initiative. In this pamphlet called Goat Farm Handouts Brownsfield inform the audience on Goat Farm Art Center, its environmental initiative, and the service that Goat Farm provides: “The Goat Farm hosts classical and contemporary music concerts, traditional and experimental theatrical performances, film screenings, contemporary dance performances, and art exhibitions. The Center’s vision is “to push culture forward through comprehensive support of the arts”(Goat Farm Handout). The purpose of this pamphlet is to provide information in regards to Goat Farm’s history, provided services, and environmental soundness.This pamphlet is intended to be read by members of the Brownfield Conference who afford awards and funding to companies who take on a positive environmental initiative. This is useful to provide researchers with information on the Goat Farm.