Career Aspirations


My name is Miracle Agoda and I am a senior at Georgia State University. I am an English major with a creative writing concentration. Currently my career aspirations are either to go into publishing as a editor, become a writer, or becoming a technical writer. In order to go into these fields, I believe that I should go into graduate school to get a master’s in English to look better to companies, and network at different events to make myself look better to companies and programs. In order for me to break into these job forces, they require similar skills, with some slightly differing between each field. Technical writing, editing, and writing itself require knowledge of media production and communication, writing skills, proofreading, attention to detail, and etc. In order to build up my writing skills, I began posting my short stories online and switched my major from Biology to English, so not only can I become a better writer but build an audience so I can show companies and publishing houses that my work will be profitable and people will read it.

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