SU 2023: The Use of Augmented Reality Technology in Physical Education (Angela Carmon)

Title: Applying augmented reality in physical education on Motor Skills Learning.

Author Name:  Chang, K.-E., Zhang, J., Huang, Y.-S., Liu, T.-C., & Sung, Y.-T.

Selected Case (Published Article):  

Chang, K.-E., Zhang, J., Huang, Y.-S., Liu, T.-C., & Sung, Y.-T. (2019). Applying augmented reality in physical education on Motor Skills Learning. Interactive Learning Environments, 28(6), 685–697.

1. Introduction

Applying augmented reality in physical education on motor learning skills (Chang, et. al, 2019) highlights the lack of application of Augmented Reality (AR) to sport skill drilling. Furthermore, the authors point out that video-assisted instruction has frequently been applied to physical sports, but this does not offer interactive practice or the written content and practice of sport skills at the same time. The major ideas associated with this topic is that as a complement to video-assisted instruction, AR may add virtual messages to learning objects and three dimensional models can be superimposed into the textbooks, allowing the learners to read the book while operating 3D character models. As a check and balance, for verification of AR-assisted instruction impact of learning outcomes, motor skills, and learning motivation and the influence of different difficulty levels on instruction.

2. Overview of the Case

The participants in the study were 7th grade students in two different classes. In this study, the authors chose a pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design which included an experimental group of 27 students, which used textbook materials with “AR-PEclass” software for learning and a control group of 25 students, which utilized a motor skills video to learn. A commonality amongst both the experimental and control group is that each practiced with the textbook materials with the support of the teacher while learning with AR-PEclass and video individually. Furthermore, students in the control group were guided by the teacher with both textbook materials and video materials mutually exclusively, where as, the students in the experimental group were able to make use of the camera lens of the carrier to line up the action pictures on the textbook while reading the book materials to share the 3D character model in AR-PE class for  reciprocal learning. The experiment activity was run by the control and experimental groups twice for 90 minutes each over two weeks. The experiment activity procedures were  identical except for the learning assisted tool. For this, two experimental studies were administered with a quasi-experimental design with simple and basic running actions and more complex Mark exercise actions were the teaching content. The study results showed that AR-assisted instruction is not only more productive than video assisted instruction, it also surpasses difficult motor learning skills.


3. Solutions Implemented

A pretest/postest is employed to analyze the increase in the learner’s cognitive knowledge of motor skills subsequent to being guided by their teacher in using the 3D character model and motor learning model. The two teachers checked the two tests, both with a pre and post test of 15 questions which scores one point for each question, as well as verified the questions on the test. 

For the rating scale on motor learning, this is based on the Arnheim and Sinclair containing skills of basic running and Mark exercise actions. Scoring for the skill based on the three parts of correctness, fluency, and integrity of the movement was checked by three teachers. Once the original score is normalized by t-scores, the three teachers scored from one to five for each of the three parts. 

Learning motivation is measured by Keller’s measure which includes four dimensions: attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction with six questions in each dimension for a total of 2 questions. 

The rationale behind using the basic running action and the Mark exercise for the learning content form the two experimental activities is that the basic running action is simple where the Mark exercise is more complex. Moreover, some studies have shown that AR may offer a higher level of performance and learning effectiveness is heightened for more difficult content. The major ideas of the topic are associated with these solutions because of the hypothesis of AR as a superior strategy compared to learning through videos. The authors argue that a more authentic experience is explored by the students with AR due to the hands-on application in a 3D setting. 


4. Outcomes

In regards to learning effectiveness, the results indicate there is no significant difference between the two groups in the distribution of student ability based on the results of the independent sample t-test.

In regards to motor skills, the students using AR had an exceptional learning effect for the motor skill operations in comparison to students using video-assisted materials. 

In regards to learning motivation for the dimensions of attention, relevance and confidence there is a significant difference between both the control group and the experimental group. However, there was no significant difference in the dimension of satisfaction.  

5. Implications

The implications of this study are far reaching! Currently, videos like the motor skills video the control group used to learn is the norm. Using videos to assist instruction does not have research based evidence. Understanding that AR is a viable option for learning in physical education is in its infancy.   Using AR in physical education courses specifically for motor skill development has not been readily practiced. The results of the study indicate that using AR devices in conjunction with the textbook content especially with higher level activities improves the students’ learning. Moreover, not only is the learning effectiveness and motor learning higher when students were using AR, but also the motivation level was also impacted. As we look into the future using AR in physical education for learning effectiveness, motor skill development and motivation is exciting.


 Chang, K.-E., Zhang, J., Huang, Y.-S., Liu, T.-C., & Sung, Y.-T. (2019). Applying augmented reality in physical education on Motor Skills Learning. Interactive Learning Environments, 28(6), 685–697. 

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