Title: The Impact of In-Classroom Non-Digital Game-Based Learning Activities on Students Transitioning to Higher Education
Author Name: Cainan Barnes
Selected Case (Published Article):
Balakrishna, C. (2023). The Impact of In-Classroom Non-Digital Game-Based Learning Activities on Students Transitioning to Higher Education. Education Sciences, 13(4), 328. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci13040328
1. Introduction
This paper explored non-digital game-based learning methods among first-year higher education students. The study measured the impact of game-based learning activities on student engagement, peer interaction, academic performance, and classroom learning experiences (Balakrishna, 2023). The authors note that no single common factor enables the successful transition or causes student attrition; instead, it is a combination of personal, social, cultural, and academic factors (McGhie, 2017; Bean, 2005; Brinkworth et al., 2009; and Gale & Parker, 2006). It has been found that students who integrate with both the campus and university academically and socially are more likely to stay and succeed in their program of study (Tinto, 2012). Based on the academic integration theory (Severiens & Schmidt, 2009), critical enabling factors for successful transitioning to higher education include student engagement, academic performance, and learner experience.
The experiment in this paper is a pilot of in-classroom game-based learning methods. Further, this study has focused on non-digital game-based learning methods in higher education. Specifically, there is a focus on fostering peer interaction and student engagement to increase student retention. The experiment was executed across a 5-week unit that taught first-year students introductory concepts of computer networking and security. The design of this game-based learning is grounded in the constructivism learning theory.
2. Overview of the Case
The study had a total of 251 first-year university students who were studying computing. Students were split into one of two groups, experimental (n = 130) or control (n = 121). Out of the total population of the study, 27.88% of the participants were male, and the other 71.22% were female. This study took place at Edge Hill University in England. Though there was not a demand for the aforementioned game-based learning methods at the university, the current study looks to expand on existing literature in the field of game-based learning.
Two survey instruments were used to draw data from the study: an end-of-module questionnaire and an optional survey. The end-of-module questionnaire (EoM) is split into four sections covering learning materials, assessment, learning support, and learning experience. The optional survey was a Likert-scale-based questionnaire used to measure the activities on students’ learning experience, classroom interaction, and engagement from the experimental group of participants.
3. Solutions Implemented
As noted in the introduction, the study was conducted over five weeks. Out of the five weeks, four of those were teaching weeks. Week one focused on collaboration-based gameplay, making students interact with their peers and recognize real-world problems with computer networking. Week two used a role-playing game (RPG) to help formulate a sense of belonging. Week three used challenge-based gameplay centered around overcoming challenges, earning rewards, and feeling competent (Balakrishna, 2023). Week three’s content is also based on the self-determination theory, which is linked to intrinsic motivation (Legaki et al., 2020). Lastly, week four is based on construction-based gameplay, which enhances classroom learning outcomes (Chou et al., 2011).
As noted previously, students in both the control and experimental groups were tasked with completing an EoM questionnaire. Each questionnaire consisted of 15 questions, but only five were considered for the study. The information for the questionnaire yielded qualitative data that was used. The author yielded quantitative data from both the control and experimental group through traditional assignment and attendance. Once again, the optional survey was offered through a self-administered online questionnaire.
4. Outcomes
The paper breaks down the results and findings from three of the research questions. The author notes the enabling factors for a successful transition to higher education.
RQ1: What is the impact of in-classroom non-digital game-based learning activities on academic performance of first-year computing students transitioning to higher education?
The data relevant to this question was the average academic score in the module assignment, including group and individual scores. The average score from the assignment for the experimental group was 74%, whereas the control group scored 67%. The author argues that the spike in scores from the experimental group results from the in-class game-based learning activities that the experimental group was exposed to. Compared to the group component, the experimental group scored 86%, and the control group scored 71%. This information further confirms that the in-classroom game-based learning activities enhanced group performance. The experimental group scored 4.54 (strongly agree) on the EoM questionnaire (Q1: The lecture materials and classroom learning activities provided you with sufficient support to complete the formative assessments) compared to the 3.21 (weakly agree) from the control group.
RQ2: What is the impact of in-classroom non-digital game-based learning activities on the peer interaction, engagement, and their participation in learning among the first-year computing students transitioning to higher education?
For RQ2, the relevant data was the average attendance question three (Q3: How actively did you participate in the classroom activities) were used. The experimental group had an attendance rate of 83%, which was 9% higher than the control group (74%). When comparing the results from the EoM, the control group’s average was 3.2 (somewhat actively), and the experimental group’s response was 4.71 (very actively). The data from this question indicates that the in-classroom game-based learning activities influenced and motivated students compared to those that did not have collaborative learning activities. Additionally, this confirmed that non-digital game-based interventions have a similar impact on engagement as digital game-based learning.
RQ3: How do in-classroom game-based learning activities impact the overall learning experience of first-year computing students transitioning to higher education?
Q2, Q4, and Q5 from the EoM survey were used to assess the learning experience of the two groups. Q2 assessed the difficulty of the module. The experimental group rated the module 2.3 (moderately difficult), whereas the control group rated it 3.1 (difficult). With Q4 (What did you like about this module?), 9% of students in the experimental group said nothing compared to 37% in the control group. With the experimental groups, the top keywords found in the responses included “game-based learning activities,” “packet tracer,” and “team activities.” Lastly, with the control group, Q5 (What suggestions can you offer that would help make your learning experience better in this module?) expressed students’ need on wanting more hands-on/practical activities and that activities were not interesting. The author argues that the data from RQ3 suggests that the experimental group had an enhanced learning experience due to the hands-on experience and peer interactions from the game-based learning modules.
Enabling Factors for Successful Transition to Higher Education
Once again, there are various benefits to the experimental group. The author notes Tinto’s (2012) theory of academic integration with students’ successful transition. As a reminder, the game-based learning activities were grounded in the constructivism approach. From RQ1, there was an enhanced academic performance amongst the experimental group. RQ2 showed higher classroom interaction and attendance from the experimental group than the control group. For RQ3, the study had limitations in making the inference that the game-based learning activities contributed to the enhanced learning experience of the experimental group.
Lastly, a figure shows how the study’s metrics are associated with academic integration. The four metrics from the study include academic performance, learner engagement, classroom interaction, and learner experience. Academic self-efficacy, academic engagement, peer-learning community, and academic commitment are the four academic integrations. There is high confidence in the relationship between academic performance and academic self-efficacy. There is moderate confidence between learner engagement, academic engagement, and peer-learning community. Classroom interaction also has moderate confidence with academic engagement and peer-learning community. There is also moderate confidence between learner experience and academic commitment.
5. Implications
As noted, this study expands on the literature regarding game-based learning modules in the classroom. Previous research studies have focused on digital games, whereas this current study focuses on non-digital games. Various positive implications were found in the experimental group that were noted in the outcomes section. Additionally, peer learning communities formed, which cannot be attributed to the game-based intervention with high confidence.
There are then factors attributed to the limitations of the study. For example, the study did not incorporate factors contributing to student success. As noted in the case overview, there was not an apparent need for the study, but rather, the expansion of the literature on game-based design. Another limitation was that there was no consideration of gender or age in data collection. It is also worth noting that this study took place in the UK. It could be worth exploring whether the data would be congruent if executed in the US or elsewhere. Further studies could explore factors (such as SES status and transitioning from different levels of schooling) not mentioned during the current study.
Regardless of the limitations, many benefits were found. Not only does this study note of the benefits of digital game-based design but there are also benefits with non-digital game-based learning activities. This could offer flexibility for teachers or instructors when considering using game-based designs in a classroom setting.
Balakrishna, C. (2023). The Impact of In-Classroom Non-Digital Game-Based Learning Activities on Students Transitioning to Higher Education. Education Sciences, 13(4), 328. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci13040328
Bean, J. P.. (2005) Nine themes of college student retention. In College student Retention: Formula for Student Success; Rowman & Littlefield Publishers: Lanham, MD, USA, 2005; Volume 215.
Brinkworth, R., McCann, B., Matthews, C., & Nordström, K. (2009). First Year Expectations and Experiences: Student and Teacher Perspectives. Higher Education, 58(2), 157–173. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10734-008-9188-3
Chou, L.-D., Liu, T.-C., Li, D. C., Chen, Y.-S., Ieong, M. T., Lee, P.-H., & Lin, Y.-C. (2011). Development of a Game-based Learning System Using Toy Robots. 2011 IEEE 11th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 2011 11th IEEE International Conference On, 202–204. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICALT.2011.65
Gale, T., & Parker, S. (2014). Navigating change: a typology of student transition in higher education. Studies in Higher Education, 39(5), 734–753. https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2012.721351
Legaki, N.-Z., Xi, N., Hamari, J., Karpouzis, K., & Assimakopoulos, V. (2020). The effect of challenge-based gamification on learning: An experiment in the context of statistics education. International Journal of Human – Computer Studies, 144. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhcs.2020.102496
McGhie, V. (2017). Entering university studies: identifying enabling factors for a successful transition from school to university. High Educ 73, 407–422. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10734-016-0100-2
Severiens, S. E., & Schmidt, H. G. (2009). Academic and Social Integration and Study Progress in Problem Based Learning. Higher Education, 58(1), 59–69. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10734-008-9181-x
Vincent Tinto. (2012). Enhancing student success: Taking the classroom success seriously. International Journal of the First Year in Higher Education, 3(1), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.5204/intjfyhe.v3i1.119