SP 2021_Josephine Jean Baptiste_Maker Movement

Title: Making Students

Author Name: Josephine Jean Baptiste


Education is a vital method for obtaining essential knowledge and skills. It involves something more than reading books,  it is an opportunity given to  the older generation to pass on their life experience to their children. Even though our world is continually evolving and expanding, it is critical to educate and raise brilliant people who can comprehend and resolve the problems of society. We will explore the different forms of learning  instruction, project based learning as well as maker centered learning. We’ll look at various types of learning instruction, like project-based learning and maker-centered learning. I collaborated with a third-grade STEM student and her corporate mother on a project that required her to resolve the problem of her mother being too busy. After I saw her mother’s calendar for the week of April 19th, 2021, I knew I would have to put her to the test.


Methods of instruction 

The concept “teaching process” refers to the basic principles, pedagogy, and curriculum management strategies that are used in the classroom. There are seven key general principles that should be thoroughly examined. These seven principles are focused on studies on effective college teaching and learning. Such concepts are meant to serve as a guideline for faculty, students, and educators.


The Seven Basic principles: 

  • Encourage interaction between students and professors. 
  • Encourage students to work together and reciprocate. 
  • Encourage students to participate in constructive learning. 
  • Offer feedback 
  • Reflect on the mission at hand and communicate high expectations. 
  • Respect for wide range of abilities and learning styles 


Principle 1: Encouraging students’ engagement is important for teachers to maintain a relationship with students beyond the classroom.

Principle 2: Increase academic collaboration and reciprocity. Students benefit from learning in groups because this  healthy learning is constructive and interactive, rather than selfish and segregated. Collaboration increases perception and comprehension.

Principle 3: Encourage active learning- a conventional classroom environment in which students sit and listen to the teacher for hours at a time is not the most effective way to teach these students. Learning is a process that requires active involvement. Students must be able to reflect about what they’re learning, write about it, apply it to prior experiences, and connect it to their everyday lives in order to understand the concepts.

Principle 4: Provide immediate feedback it’s to understand what you know and don’t know. For this to happen, you’ll need guidance on whether you’re right or wrong, as well as justification behind it. The same must be true for teachers because students need assistance in assessing their current skills and abilities when they first commence. Students need frequent opportunities to perform and receive feedback in the classroom.

Principle 5: Make time on task a priority. Learning requires a substantial amount of time. It is critical for learners to view the significance of time management skills and their commitment to organizational effectiveness rate.

Principle 6: communicate high expectations.  Instill in your children the desire to discover more. They must realize how important it is to maintain high standards and have high expectations for themselves. This encourages children to realize their full potential instead of confine them to the margins.

Principle 7: Value different skills and learning styles. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to anything. There are often multiple paths to a conclusion. It’s critical to respect the students’ different means of achieving comparable results. Learners would like the ability to prove their strengths and learn in ways that are practical for them. Then they can be led into new learning styles that are more challenging for them.

Pedagogical theory 

Teaching methodology and procedure, especially as an academic degree or theoretical concept. A well-thought-out pedagogy will make students gain a better understanding of fundamental material and improve the quality of your instruction. It is important to be  aware of how you teach because it will aid in understanding how to enable students to learn more profoundly.


Classroom Management Techniques 

  • Develops and maintains an organized classroom atmosphere. 
  • Helps promote academic learning while also encouraging social and emotional growth. 
  • Reduces negative behaviors while increasing time spent on learning.

Project Based Learning 

“Project Based Learning (PBL) is a model and framework of teaching and learning in which students acquire content knowledge and skills in order to answer a driving question based on an authentic challenge, need, problem or concern,(“What is Project Based Learning? — Magnify Learning” 2021)”.  It provides them with a safe environment in which they can express themselves freely through their challenges. PBL allows students to have a say as well as a decision. “In PBL classrooms, students demonstrate improved attitudes toward learning. They exhibit more engagement, are more self-reliant, and have better attendance than in more traditional school settings,( “What is Project Based Learning? — Magnify Learning” 2021)”. Project-based learning has been shown to be effective in increasing student participation inside the classroom. It creates a sense of belonging to something larger than themselves. As a result, in some situations, pushing for the good of peers rather than for personal gain. This often aids in the prevention of students’ feelings of loneliness.“Research has also found that PBL helps develop employability skills also known as 21st century skills. When teachers are trained in PBL methods, they devote more class time to teaching 21st century skills; their students perform at least as well on standardized tests as students engaged in traditional instruction,( “What is Project Based Learning? — Magnify Learning” 2021)”. It’s important to realize that success isn’t always determined by how you appear on paper. It’s critical to have additional employable skills that set you apart from the competitors. PBL is extremely beneficial to these abilities, implying that it will help students have a brighter future.


Maker Movement

The maker movement is essential to the growth of our current society. At many levels of industry, the trend is driving innovation and creation. Meaning on one side, there are those who create arts and crafts ranging from indigenous textiles to leather goods and custom-designed jewelry. Fashion and luxury goods such as artisanal bourbons and tequilas have been produced ,(“An Overview of the Maker Movement — What is it, and Why Now?”, 2021)”.The maker movement continues impacting every part of modern society. Whether it’s leather products or environmentally sustainable transportation, there’s no limit to ingenuity. These four factors may be responsible for the current surge in innovation: “Access to global markets, the proliferation of cheap powerful and easy to use tools, the widespread availability of “maker spaces” and mentors, and historically unprecedented access to capital,”( “An Overview of the Maker Movement — What is it, and Why Now?”, 2021)”.  


Project Based Learning Assignment: 


The student will demonstrate the ability to organize her mother’s week by making time in her calendar to complete the following tasks: 

  • Find time to do homework together
  • Find time to take Krissy to dance
  • Spend time with Krissy & Karter

I’m interested in seeing how she interprets her mother’s obligations from her own perspective.


  •  ​​​Produce​ ​clear​ ​and​ ​coherent​ ​writing.
  •  ​​​Address​ ​the business of Krystle’s work schedule
  • Make a schedule that includes the tasks mentioned above.


  1. There will be no modifications to her job events.
  2. Just work during the times provided to you.
  3. The duration of all activities must be at least 30 minutes.
  4. Do this with your mother and have a good time!

Krystle’s Calendar:

Krissy’s additions to Krystle’s Calendar:


Krissy’s suggestions proved to be beneficial. Before she added her desired case, she made sure to ask her mother about the significance of the blocked off times. She was able to recognize her mother’s busy work schedule and prioritize what she really required assistance with versus what she could complete on her own. Overall, I believe this exercise instilled in her a newfound respect for her mother and her career. It also forced her to question her own sense of self-sufficiency. Her mother mentioned that after completing it, she felt more secure in herself.


Bunda, Mary A. (1993). The Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education. Instructional Exchange 4 (1-6), 1-4


DeRoos, Rachel, and Samantha Blair. “Classroom Management Module.” American Psychological Association, American Psychological Association, www.apa.org/education/k12/modules-classroom-management. 


Graham, Charles R., Cagiltay, Kursat, Craner, Joni, and Lim, Byung-Ro (2000). Using the Seven Principles to Evaluate Online Courses. Paper presented at Distance Learning 2000: Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning, Madison, Wisconsin. (Eric Document Reproduction Services No. ED 456 235)


Teaching Methods. (2021). Retrieved 23 April 2021, from https://teach.com/what/teachers-know/teaching-methods/

In text: (“Teaching Methods”, 2021)


An Overview of the Maker Movement – What is It, and Why Now?. (2021). Retrieved 23 April 2021, from https://www.hult.edu/blog/an-overview-of-the-maker-movement-what-is-it-and-why-now-part-1/

In text: (“An Overview of the Maker Movement – What is It, and Why Now?”, 2021)


Reiser, R., & Dempsey, J. Trends and issues in instructional design and technology (4th ed., p. 293).

In text: (Reiser & Dempsey, n.d.)


Blikstein, P. (2021). Maker Movement In Education: History And Prospects.

In text: (Blikstein, 2021)


Biesinger, M. (2021). The Link Between Makerspace, STEM Education, and Multi-sensory Learning. Retrieved 23 April 2021, from http://sellingtoschools.com/education-management/the-link-between-makerspace-stem-education-and-multi-sensory-learning/

In text: (Biesinger, 2021)


What is Project Based Learning? — Magnify Learning. (2021). Retrieved 23 April 2021, from https://www.magnifylearningin.org/what-is-project-based-learning


In text: (“What is Project Based Learning? — Magnify Learning”, 2021)




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