Title: Project-Based Learning Approach on Education for Sustainable Development
Author Name: Keyidis McCune
Selected Case (Published Article): Case Study to Analyze the Impact of Multi-Course Project-Based Learning Approach on Education for Sustainable Development – https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/12/2/480
1. Introduction:
Project-based learning is such an innovative way for students to take control of their own learning experiences. Students can gain a deeper understanding of the concepts, apply the newly developed knowledge across multiple content areas, and solve real-world problems. Project-based learning gives the students time to work with the learning environment and create practical prototypes over an extensive time frame. It allows students to be active learners versus passive learners in the classroom.
My blog post will focus on project-based learning being implemented in two college courses at Qatar University and what were the results. The article is about merging two engineering courses and creating a project-based learning environment for the students. As an elementary school teacher, I have knowledge of project-based learning and how it is implemented; however, I want to focus on implementing project-based learning in higher education.
2. Overview of the Case:
This particular case aimed to integrate project-based learning into two electrical engineering courses at Qatar University to amplify problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaborative decision-making skills. The students are to create a single project that will be used to assess student learning outcomes across the two courses being merged. The emphasis was on communication, project management, and creative thinking. The study consisted of 90 participants (54 male and 36 female) who were enrolled in both electrical engineering courses.
3. Solutions Implemented:
Several solutions were implemented within the case, including a multi-course project that focused on integrating courses and content to enhance student learning, a structured educational strategy that allowed the students to have Lab sessions and clear guidelines such as grading rubrics, and the use of feedback such as surveys and reinforcement to make corrections where they needed to be.
4. Outcomes:
The outcomes of the implementation of project-based learning were that students’ grades increased immensely for both of the courses. Student scores rose above 80%, with very few below 60%. The increase of critical thinking among the students led to the students being 60% more innovative during the project. Another outcome was survey analysis and statistics. 90% of the students thought that project-based learning improved their critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and teamwork.
5. Implications:
This offers a plethora of implications for education, sustainability, and interdependence. The first was educational design, which included innovation. Integrating the project-based learning approach breaks the barriers that prevent concepts from being intertwined with one another. Next is practical relevance, this allows us the students to be able to apply their knowledge to concepts that will happen inside of the project. Skill development is another implication, developing necessary skills that students will need in the workforce such as critical thinking, independent learning, and teamwork is vital.
6. References:
Wiek, A.; Withycombe, L.; Redman, C.L. Key competencies in sustainability: A reference framework for academic program development. Sustain. Sci. 2011, 6, 203–218.
Van der Leeuw, S.; Wiek, A.; Harlow, J.; Buizer, J. How much time do we have? Urgency and rhetoric in sustainability science. Sustain. Sci. 2012, 7, 115–120
Dochy, F.; Segers, M.; Van den Bossche, P.; Gijbels, D. Effects of problem-based learning: A meta-analysis. Learn. Instr. 2003,