FA 2023: Project-Based Learning for 21st-Century Skills (Endya Melvin)

Title:    Project-Based Learning in the 21st-Century 

Author Name:   Endya Melvin

Selected Case (Published Article): Skills: An Overview and Case Study of Moral Education in the UAE

1. Introduction

The article Project-Based Learning for 21st-Century Skills: An Overview and Case Study of Moral Education in the UAE provides an overview of the effectiveness of PBL in the classroom with a focus on moral education in the UAE.  This article outlines the steps for implementing project-based learning focusing on moral education in the United Arab Emirates.  The authors in the article also focus on project design along with different assessment methods needed to effectively implement PBL.  Educators play a vital role in the success and implementation of project-based learning.   Project-based learning promotes student engagement and assists students in developing 21st-century skills with the use of technology.  Current approaches to project-based learning are discussed in this article as well as the effectiveness and benefits of using PBL in the classroom.  Project-based learning is designed to help students develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills needed for the 21st century.  PBL helps to cultivate the skills students need to succeed in the modern job market.  Project-based learning is used as an instrument for delivering moral education.  The authors in the article discuss the different challenges associated with integrating moral education and PBL.  PBL helps foster a deeper understanding of ethical principles and motivates students to apply what they’ve learned in the real world.  According to the article, “Project-based learning (PBL) is a set of teaching principles and methods to equip students with communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking skills.”   Project-Based Learning for 21st-Century Skills: An Overview and Case Study of Moral Education in the UAE discusses how PBL is linked to moral education with reference to the United Arab Emirates.  The article focuses on teaching Islamic and United Arab Emirates values through the use of project-based learning. 

Project Based Learning is a student-centered approach based on three principles.  This article starts off by listing three principles that are associated with project-based learning.  The three principles associated with project-based learning that the article discusses.  One of the principles discussed by the authors of the article discusses how students learn and achieve goals through social interactions.  Another principle discussed by the author states that project-based learning undergoes a lot of research and changes to make sure that it’s academically rigorous enough.  The third principle discussed in the article states that students must solve real-world problems, ask questions, and present a hypothesis that could be tested. 

2. Overview of the Case

Project-Based Learning for 21st-Century Skills: An Overview and Case Study of Moral Education in the UAE is an article with a K-12 setting focusing on moral education in the United Arab Emirates. 

The case discussed in this article focuses on the application of project-based learning in moral education in the United Arab Emirates.  According to the article, “Moral education involves four central units: individual and community, character and morality, cultural studies, and civic studies” (Karima Matar Almazroui 2023).  There are many benefits and challenges associated with incorporating project-based learning into the moral education curriculum in the UAE.  The outcomes of integrating project-based learning and moral education proved to be very successful in enhancing student performance.  The implementation, design, and outcomes of project-based learning in the case study discussed in the article promote ethical reasoning and moral values in students.  Based on the information from the article, project-based learning has a positive impact on student’s moral education and really helps to cultivate 21st-century skills. 

The authors provided a very convincing case for how project-based learning prepares students for modern-world opportunities in the 21st century.  Collaboration, critical thinking, and ethical practices are key components to PBL discussed in the article.  Project-based learning incorporates real-world learning activities that help motivate and engage student interest.  PBL does not have a standard definition and may be looked at as a philosophy, which can be problematic and cause a lot of confusion because of the different definitions and designs associated with project-based learning. 

This article outlines seven steps for implementing project-based successfully focusing on assessment methods and project design.  These steps state that PBL must be authentic, pose a challenging question or problem, include sustained inquiry, allow students to have a voice, and produce a public product.  Project-based learning should also provide students with an opportunity to revise and critique the work of others as well as themselves. 

The authors in the article present six aims of project-based learning.  The six aims discussed in the article by the authors include constructing student’s extensive flexible knowledge base, developing students’ practical problem-solving skills, providing students with internships, and helping them solve problems collectively.  PBL also aims to develop autonomous skills through metacognitive strategies to assist students will developing life-long learner skills.  The sixth aim discussed by the article is to stimulate intrinsic motivation for students to learn (Karima Matar Almazroui 2023). 

3. Solutions Implemented

There are several challenges discussed in the article by the authors.  The authors stated that incorporating PBL into the classroom can be very demanding for both students and teachers.  There is also a lack of clear implementations when it comes to project-based learning.  There is also a clear lack of focus on learning incomes.  Teachers may experience these challenges in incorporating PBL because of the lack of training and professional development offered for teachers implementing project-based learning in the classroom.  The authors state that, “To best implement PBL activities, teachers must design learning tasks that prioritize intrinsic motivation and improve students’ learning abilities” (Karima Matar Almazroui 2023).  For project-based learning to be successful in the classroom, projects, assessments, and groups must be incorporated into PBL lessons.  Assessments must be multifaceted and offer opportunities for students to receive feedback and revise their work.  Teachers must present rigorous and multiple assessments that allow students to apply their knowledge to real-world situations.  When implementing project-based learning in the classroom, teachers have to act as a facilitator to encourage independent work.  According to the article, “Students are also more likely to be intrinsically motivated when they believe learning outcomes are under their control” (Karima Matar Almazroui 2023).  Since a lot of roles in the modern job market are being replaced by machines, artificial intelligence, and computers applicants are required to have a high level of communication skills and schools have to prepare students for the contemporary world and solving problems collectively. 

4. Outcomes

Project-based learning has proved to be more effective than traditional instructional methods.  A mixed methods research design was used to determine the effectiveness and challenges of project-based learning.  Data from interviews and questionnaires were analyzed by researchers and they determined that teachers’ training and leadership emerged due to PBL.  It’s been determined from the research that project-based learning should be adopted to assist with delivering the moral education curriculum.  According to the research in the article, PBL should also be used to promote student engagement in real-world projects.  The authors state “PBL has certain distinctive elements, such as the generation of questions, the emphasis on learning objectives, participation in educational activities, the collaboration between students, the use of technology, and the creation of artifacts” (Karima Matar Almazroui 2023).

5. Implications

I learned that project-based learning strengthens students’ collaboration, teamwork, and communication skills.  PBL provides an opportunity for students to work together collaboratively by sharing ideas and learning from one another to reach a common goal.  I learned that project-based learning is very student-centered, and it assists students with the development of moral reasoning.  Learning that PBL was used to teach values and beliefs in Islamic societies was very eye-opening.  According to the article, PBL was believed to guide student’s beliefs and attitudes related to the Islamic faith.  Project-based learning helps to prepare students for future job markets and assists students in developing 21st-century skills.  Incorporating more project-based learning will help students be more innovative and develop critical thinking skills to prepare them for the careers of the future.  The authors state that “that PBL has certain distinctive elements, such as the generation of questions, the emphasis on learning objectives, participation in educational activities, the collaboration between students, the use of technology, and the creation of artifacts.” (Karima Matar Almazroui 2023)


Karima Matar Almazroui (2023) Project-Based Learning for 21st-Century Skills: An Overview and Case Study of Moral Education in the UAE, The Social Studies, 114:3, 125-136, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00377996.2022.2134281

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