FA 2021: HPI/ Performance Support (Kimberly Leon-Grey)

Title: HPI/HPT and Performance Supports in Business

Author Name: Kimberly Leon-Grey

1. Introduction

Human Performance Improvement (HPI) is the systematic process of effectively and efficiently achieving results valued by organizational stakeholders. HPI seeks to identify workplace problems and develop and design appropriate interventions by analyzing workplace activities to identify performance gaps, determining and isolating the cause of performance gaps, and selecting, designing, developing, and implementing effective, efficient, and acceptable interventions (Reiser & Dempsey, 2017). HPI encourages continuous evaluation and monitoring of workplace activities to determine the effectiveness of the implemented intervention.  HPI’s main focus is performance, results, outcomes, and accomplishments (Rothwell et al., 2018).

HPI is drawn from the parent field of human performance technology (HPT) which originated in the 1970s and was fathered by Thomas F. Gilbert. HPT is a unique blend of general systems theory, behaviorism, management theory, and technologies of various kinds (Sherry & Wilson, 1996). HPT focuses on applying systematic and systemic processes to improve performance, with an emphasis on analyzing performance at multiple organizational levels and understanding what processes are needed for the organization to work most effectively (Stefaniak, 2018). In collaboration with Geary Rummler, Gilbert created his behavior engineering model (Figure 1), a fundamental analytical tool in HPT that identifies six major variable categories affecting workplace performance, including environmental and individual factors.

Figure 1

Gilbert’s Behavior Engineering Model

Given a performance problem, HPT practitioners conduct a performance analysis to identify current performance conditions, identify the causes of the discrepancy, suggest suitable, cost-effective strategies for closing the performance gap, followed by an assessment of the impact, pro and con, of implementing these interventions (Sherry & Wilson, 1996). HPI/HPT practitioners are encouraged to follow the ten standards identified and defined by the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) for effective performance improvement design (International Society for Performance Improvement, n.d.). Although the HPI and HPT terms can be used interchangeably, HPI is what we hope to achieve, while HPT is the medium used to achieve it (Reiser & Dempsey, 2017). The HPI /HPT field de-emphasizes training and accepts that alternate techniques like offering new incentives, providing efficient and timely feedback, and making performance support tools readily available could solve many performance problems.

Performance support tools are learning aids that provide on-the-job support to employees at their precise moment of need (Pandey, 2016). The purpose of performance support is to close the knowledge gaps by allowing employees to retain or refresh information learned, acquire additional information to complete an operation, and improve troubleshooting skills and on-the-job performance (What Is Performance Support?, 2019). Compared to training, good performance support makes work easier, is cost-effective, increases the productivity of users and organizations, and is integrated into the work task. Additionally, good performance support guides in the moment of need, are quickly adopted in the workplace, and are easily updated and mastered.

Performance support can be helpful in situations when a task is straightforward, complex, requires the application of a process, or when work procedures change. These supports are often subjectively categorized, but the two basic types are job aids and electronic performance support systems (EPSS).  Examples of performance supports include mobile apps, whiteboards, videos, interactive PDFs, webcasts, and eBooks (“9 Formats of Performance Support Tools (PSTs) – EIDesign,” n.d.). Additional supports include GPS systems, tax software, wikis, and task management systems. When selecting a project for program support: consider all factors before deciding on an intervention, focus on the identified problem, define the criteria for success, promote user adoption, design for the work (through collaboration with experts and novices in the field), and test the solution before and after implementation (Reiser & Dempsey, 2017).

2. Overview of the Case

As an employee for a fully remote start-up company, familiarizing employees with our product, expectations for the position, and company policies and procedures can be challenging. Since our company is young and very small, employees were initially encouraged to reach out to me or other colleagues as their primary resource. Although this approach works for a small team, it is not the best method to address this issue. Furthermore, it is not guaranteed that the person the employee reaches out to will have the answer they need or even be available when they need it.

Creating an internal team wiki as a performance support tool was suggested as a cost-effective and simple solution to this issue. Additionally, they provide the necessary scaffolding required for true learning and improve learning outcomes by overcoming the limits of working memory and meeting learners in their moment of motivation to learn (Rowan, 2017). The team wiki was introduced as a primary resource for accessing pertinent information when and where it’s needed. This case will investigate the performance improvements and/or unexpected failures resulting from implementing this team wiki as a performance support tool to improve productivity and knowledge of company policies and procedures.

3. Solutions Implemented

Performance supports are tools or resources, from print to technology, that provide guidance and support to users in their moment of need. Peterson (2019) notes that good performance support tools provide immediate access to pertinent information and present content in an easily digestible manner. To address the need for a job aid that silos all of the necessary information needed for employees to become acclimated with the company and efficiently and effectively complete their job duties, I created a “Team Wiki” on our company workspace in August using Google sites.

This newly implemented performance support provides employees with access to important and frequently used company documents, recordings of previous trainings, the organization’s event calendar, customer directories, payroll procedures, and additional job-specific resources. One of the most critical features of this site is the keyword search that not only searches the wiki but also searches our entire shared drive. This feature ensures that even if the wiki does not contain the necessary information, users can easily search our entire repository. The wiki is frequently evaluated by myself and my boss and updated as new information or resources are made available. Employees are also encouraged to submit documentation or resources that they believe could be beneficial for their colleagues. Since its implementation, employees have been encouraged to use the wiki to address their gaps in knowledge and improve their job performance.

4. Outcomes

The creation of the team wiki addressed the need for a job aid that houses company information and is easily accessible in an employee’s moment of need. As the creator of this performance support tool, I use it daily because I know it has all of the information I need or will help me find additional resources saved in our shared drive. Unfortunately, outside of myself and my boss, the site is not often used as a resource. Employees continue to use their colleagues and me as the primary information source despite the robustness and accessibility of the wiki. Sherry & Wilson (1996) note that although performance support systems can be highly effective in providing timely and relevant information, the great challenge is teaching individuals how to use these tools effectively. A newly introduced innovative tool requires ongoing support until it becomes a part of the culture (Sherry & Wilson, 1996). Ultimately this tool has not been helpful for the team because it is underutilized. This failure was unexpected because the wiki was the only intervention implemented to address this issue.

5. Implications

When implemented and fully accepted into the workplace culture, performance supports can offer guidance, support, and improve productivity. Creating buy-in from employees is as important as implementing a solution to the issue. Despite the wiki being introduced to the company as a resource, it has not been quickly adopted in the workplace. The use of the wiki as a primary resource will need to be continuously reinforced until it is accepted into the workplace culture.



Gilbert’s behavior engineering model. (n.d.). Online hpt manual. Retrieved November 30, 2021, from http://hpt2014.weebly.com/gilberts-bem.html

International Society for Performance Improvement (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2021, from https://ispi.org/page/10Standards

9 Formats of performance support tools (PSTs)—EIDesign. (n.d.). EI design. Retrieved November 28, 2021, from https://www.eidesign.net/9-formats-of-performance-support-tools-psts-old/

Peterson, K. (2019, February 7). Performance support tools support learning. Allencomm. https://www.allencomm.com/blog/2019/02/performance-support-tools-support-learning/

Reiser, R.A. & Dempsey, J.V. (Eds.) (2017). Trends and issues in instructional design and technology. (4th ed.) Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

Rothwell, W. J., Hohne, C. K., & King, S. B. (2018). Human performance improvement: Building practitioner performance. Routledge.

Rowan, J. (2017, May 15). What is performance support? Why won’t people stop talking about it?. Retrieved September 28, 2021, from https://www.dashe.com/blog/what-is-performance-support-and-why-wont-people-stop-talking-about-it

Sherry, L., & Wilson, B. (1996). Supporting human performance across disciplines: A converging of roles and tools. Performance improvement quarterly, 9(4), 19–36. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1937-8327.1996.tb00736.x

Stefaniak, J. E. (2018). Performance technology. Foundations of learning and instructional design technology. https://edtechbooks.org/lidtfoundations/performance_technology

What is performance support and why should you use performance support tools? (2016, December 5). Elearning Industry. https://elearningindustry.com/use-performance-support-tools

What is performance support?. Workclout (2019, December 30). Retrieved September 28, 2021, from https://www.workclout.com//blog/what-is-performance-support


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