Instructional Design Cases in Various Settings

Over the semester, you have discussed the foundations, trends, and applications of the field, Instructional Design & Technology (IDT), which is also called Instructional Systems or Learning Technologies. This site aims to develop a collection of cases associated with the main ideas and trends in IDT.  A large body of cases, along with your critical reviews, can provide us with good examples and practical insights that help design instructional applications for your design projects.  Develop your cases, build up a collective knowledge base, and use the cases for your projects!


AI in Education

Personalized Learning

Problem-Based Learning

Project-Based Learning

Game-Based Learning and Simulation

Maker Movement

Motivation Improvement

Teaching and Learning for All

Informal Learning

Use of Social Media

Simulation and Multimedia

Project/Program Evaluation

HPI/ Performance support/ ROI

Flipped learning

Mobile learning

Microlearning and Micro-Credentialing

Cross-cultural instruction 

e-Learning/ Blended learning  

21st Century Skills

Learning Analytics

VR/AR/MR in Education

Case/Scenario-Based Learning

Other STEM Education Approaches