For a complete list of publications see Google Scholar.
Ronkin, E., Tully, E. C., Branum-Martin, L., Cohen, L. L., Hall, C., Dilly, L., & Tone, E. B. (in press). Sex differences in social communication behaviors in toddlers with suspected autism spectrum disorder as assessed by the ADOS-2 Toddler Module. Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice.
Fernandes, M., & Tone, E. B.* (2021). A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Association Between Expressive Suppression and Positive Affect. Clinical Psychology Review, 88.
Thompson, K., King, K., Nahmias, E., Fani, N., Kvaran, T., Turner, J. A., & Tone, E. B.* (2021). The Prisoner’s Dilemma Paradigm Provides a Neurobiological Framework for the Social Decision Cascade. PLoS One.
Schlund, M. W., Carter, H., Cudd, G., Murphy, K., Ahmed, N., Dymond, S., & Tone, E. B.* (2021). Human social defeat and approach-avoidance: Escalating social-evaluative threat and threat of aggression increases social avoidance. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 115, 157-184.
Berg, S.K., Bedwell, J.S., Dvorak, R.D., & Tone, E.B. (2020). Higher social anxiety predicts better cognitive empathy performance in women but not men. Psychological Reports.
Weinstock, R., Caporino, N.E.*, McQuarrie, S., Ronkin, E., Cousins, L., & Ludwig, N., Tone, E.B.* (2020). Behavioral assessment and treatment of selective mutism in identical twins. Clinical Case Studies.
Lakshman, M., Murphy, L., Mekawi, Y., Carter, S., Briscione, M., Bradley, B., Tone, E. B., Norrholm, S. D., Jovanovic, T., Powers, A. (2020). Attention bias toward threat in African American children exposed to early life trauma. Behavioural Brain Research, 383, 112513.
Ronkin, E. G., & Tone, E. B.* (2020). Working with twin children and their families in mental health care settings. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 51(3), 237–246.
Mekawi, Y., Murphy, L., Munoz, A., Briscione, M., Tone, E. B., Norrholm, S. D., Jovanovic, T., Bradley, B., & Powers, A. (2020). Attention Biases and Posttraumatic Stress: Examining Negative Affect as a Mediator. Psychiatry Research, 284, 112674.
Garcia, S. E., Francis, S. M. S., Tone, E. B., & Tully, E. C. (2019). Understanding Associations between Negatively Biased Attention and Depression and Social Anxiety: Positively Biased Attention is Key. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 32, 611-625.
Thompson, K., King, K., Nahmias, E., Fani, N., Kvaran, T., Tone, E. B., & Turner, J. A. (2019). Social Feedback Modulates Neural Response Associated With Cognitive Bias in Individuals Expressing Anxious Symptoms. Chronic Stress, 3, 10.1177/2470547019848648. doi:10.1177/2470547019848648
Powers, A., Fani, N., Murphy, L., Briscione, M., Bradley, B., Tone, E. B., … Jovanovic, T. (2019). Attention bias toward threatening faces in women with PTSD: eye tracking correlates by symptom cluster. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 10(1), 1568133. doi:10.1080/20008198.2019.1568133
Donati, M. R., Masuda, A., Schaefer, L. W., Cohen, L. L., Tone, E. B., & Parrott, D. J. (2019). Laboratory Analogue Investigation of Cognitive Defusion and Cognitive Reappraisal Strategies in the Context of Symbolically Generalized Avoidance. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior.
Tone, E. B., Nahmias, E., Bakeman, R., Kvaran, T., Brosnan, S. F., Fani, N., & Schroth, E. (2019). Social Anxiety and Social Behavior: A Test of Predictions from an Evolutionary Model. Clinical Psychological Science, 7, 110-126.
Francis, S. M. S., Tully, E. C., Caporino, N., Cohen, L. L., & Tone, E. B. (2018). Cognitive Predictors of Parental Rescue Behavior and Malleability of Behavior Using a Brief Psychoeducation Intervention. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. https://doi:10.1007/s10578-018-0843-3
Green, L. M., Missotten, L., Luyckx, K., & Tone, E. B. (2018). Adolescent Empathy, Depressive Symptoms, and Self-Esteem: The Moderating Role of the Mother-Adolescent Relationship. Journal of Child and Family Studies.
Clevinger, A., Kleider-Offutt, H., M., & Tone, E. B. (2018). In the eyes of the law: Associations among fear of negative evaluation, race, and feelings of safety in the presence of police officers. Personality and Individual Differences, 135, 201-206.
Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Ortuño-Sierra, J., Molina, B. L., Debbané, M., Chan, Raymond C. K., Cicero, D., Zhang, L. C., Brenner, C., Barkus, E., Linscott, R. J., Kwapil, T., Barrantes-Vidal, N., Cohen, A., Raine, A., Compton, M. T., Tone, E. B., Suhr, J., Bobes J., Fumero, A., Giakoumaki, S., Tsaousis, I., Preti, A., Chmielewski, M., Laloyaux, J., Mechri, A., Lahmar, M. A., Wuthrich, V., Larøi, F., Badcock, J. C., Jablensky, A. (2018). The structure of schizotypal personality traits: a cross-national study. Psychological Medicine, 48, 451-462. https://doi:10.1017/S0033291717001829
Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Ortuño-Sierra, J., Molina, B. L., Debbané, M., Chan, Raymond C. K., Cicero, D., Zhang, L. C., Brenner, C., Barkus, E., Linscott, R. J., Kwapil, T., Barrantes-Vidal, N., Cohen, A., Raine, A., Compton, M. T., Tone, E. B., Suhr, J., Bobes J., Fumero, A., Giakoumaki, S., Tsaousis, I., Preti, A., Chmielewski, M., Laloyaux, J., Mechri, A., Lahmar, M. A., Wuthrich, V., Larøi, F., Badcock, J. C., Jablensky, A. (2018). The network structure of schizotypal personality traits. Schizophrenia Bulletin.
Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Ortuño-Sierra, J., Debbané, M., Chan, Raymond C. K., Cicero, D., Zhang, L. C., Brenner, C., Barkus, E., Linscott, R. J., Kwapil, T., Barrantes-Vidal, N., Cohen, A., Raine, A., Compton, M. T., Tone, E. B., Suhr, J., Muñiz, J., Fumero, A., Giakoumaki, S., Tsaousis, I., Preti, A., Chmielewski, M., Laloyaux, J., Mechri, A., Lahmar, M. A., Wuthrich, V., Larøi, F., Badcock, J. C., Jablensky, A. (2018). Comparisons of schizotypal traits across 12 countries: Results from the International Consortium for Schizotypy Research. Schizophrenia Research.
Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Ortuño-Sierra, J., Molina, B. L., Debbané, M., Chan, Raymond C. K., Cicero, D., Zhang, L. C., Brenner, C., Barkus, E., Linscott, R. J., Kwapil, T., Barrantes-Vidal, N., Cohen, A., Raine, A., Compton, M. T., Tone, E. B., Suhr, J., Bobes J., Fumero, A., Giakoumaki, S., Tsaousis, I., Preti, A., Chmielewski, M., Laloyaux, J., Mechri, A., Lahmar, M. A., Wuthrich, V., Larøi, F., Badcock, J. C., Jablensky, A. (2017). Brief Assessment of Schizotypal Traits: A Multinational Study. Schizophrenia Research.https://doi:10.1016/j.schres.2017.10.043
Gibson, B., Baron, A. S., Tone, E. B., & Rochat, P. (2017). Sources of Implicit and Explicit Intergroup Bias Among African-American Children and Young Adults. PLOS One.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0183015
Tolleson, A. M, Broth, M. R., Schroth, E., & Tone, E. B. (2016). Mother and child facial expression labeling relates to mutual responsiveness during emotional conversations. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 40(3), 205-219.
Gradin, V.B., Perez, A., MacFarlane, J. A., Cavin, I., Waiter, G., Tone, E. B., Dritschel, B., Maiche, A., & Steele, J. D. (2016). Neural correlates of social exchanges during the Prisoner’s Dilemma game in depression. Psychological Medicine.
Kim, K.L., Cushman, G.K., Weissman, A.B., Puzia, M.E., Wegbreit, E., Tone, E.B., Spirito, A. & Dickstein, D.P. (2015). Behavioral and emotional responses to interpersonal stress: A comparison of adolescents engaged in non-suicidal self-injury to adolescent suicide attempters. Psychiatry Research, 228, 899-906.
Ritschel, L., Tone E. B., Schoemann, A. M., & Lim, N. E. (2015). Psychometric Properties of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale Across Demographic Groups.Psychological Assessment, Sep; 27(3):944-54. doi: 10.1037/pas0000099.
Hegberg, N. & Tone, E.B. (2015). Physical Activity and Stress Resilience: Considering Those at Risk for Developing Mental Health Problems. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 8, 1-7.
Calamaras, M., Tully, E. C., Tone, E.B., Price, M., & Anderson, P. L. (2015). Evaluating Changes in Judgmental Biases as Mechanisms of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 71, 139-149. doi:10.1016/j.brat.2015.06.006.
Bedwell, J.S., Compton, M.T., Jentsch, F.G., Deptula, A.E., Goulding, S.M., & Tone, E.B. (2014). Latent factor modeling of four schizotypy dimensions with theory of mind and empathy. PLOS ONE.
Tone, E. B., & Tully, E. M. (2014). Empathy as a “Risky Strength”: A Multilevel Examination of Empathy and Risk for Internalizing Disorders. Development and Psychopathology, 26(4 Pt 2), 1547-1565. doi: 10.1017/S0954579414001199.
Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Compton, M.T., Tone, E. B., Ortuno-Sierra, J., Paino, M., Fumero, A., & Lemos-Giraldez, S. (2014). Cross-cultural invariance of the factor structure of the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire across Spanish and American college students. Psychiatry Research, 220(3), 1071-1076.
Davis, J.S., Fani, N., Ressler, K., Jovanovic, T., Tone, E.B., Bradley, B. (2014). Attachment anxiety moderates the relationship between childhood maltreatment and attention bias for emotion in adults. Psychiatry Research, 217(1), 79-85.