In-Class Writing/Activity Sample

In-Class Writing Assignment Week 1

Now that you know who I am, please take the next 10 minutes, being very deliberate, reflect, and respond to the following questions: 

  • Who are you?
  • Why did you decide to join the community of learners at GSU?
  • What is your major, career goal, or your talent –what are you good at, or others say you’re good at, without really trying? And
  • What is your course expectation?

Please print and sign your name on your paper.  Who wants to share your reflection?

Expect an In-Class Writing Assignment/Activity each class meeting on your homework reading, a news story you select to apply the Fake-News handout, or other course content.

Grading (PASS/FAIL):  Your daily Attendance/Participation Grade is determined from In-Class Writing Assignments/Activities. A grade of 100 points is earned for being present and participating in class. A grade of 0 points is earned when students are absent.