Final Exam: Revision Essay Assignment
English 1101
OBJECTIVE: Pursuant to directions below, revise one essay of your choice (either Essay 1, 2, or 3) for Final Exam credit. Follow Directions. Submit ALL supporting work documents: (1) Revision Plan Activity (6 output worksheets); (2) Revised Essay; and (3) Recursive Writing (Revision) Reflection — Reflect upon the Final Exam: Revision Essay Assignment including responses to the following questions: Was the assignment easy or difficult, why or why not? Was the peer review activity helpful, why or why not? What revision plan activity was most useful, why or why not?
- Choose, Print, and Email to yourself either Essay 1, 2, or 3 (Download and Print from I-College).
- Email and Bring Printed copy of chosen Essay to Class and Teacher’s Rubric Score Sheet for Peer Reviewers’ Response.
- Complete Revision Plan Activity Below and Save ALL Outputs for Assignment Upload.
- Complete Peer Review – Activity 5.9: Receive Feedback from Your Peers
Output 1: Teacher’s Rubric Score Sheet for Essay Chosen.
Output 2: Marked-up Original Essay from Peer Reviewers (incorporating teacher’s comments and peer reviewers comments and edits).
- Complete Activity 5.7: Create a Reverse Outline – addresses Global Revision Issues – Arrangement, Order, etc.
Output 3: Reverse Outline.
- Respond to Questions from Table 5.1: Global Revision Checklist.
Output 4: Purpose; Audience; Meaning/Argument; Organization; Evidence and Supporting Details.
- Complete this Activity: Read your Essay from the Ending (last sentence) to Beginning (first sentence) – addresses Local Revision Issues – Syntax, grammar, etc.
Output 5: Record and Correct any Syntax or Grammar Errors found.
- Respond to Questions from Table 5.3: Local Revision Checklist.
Output 6: Answer All 5 Questions.
REQUIREMENTS: A three (3) to five (5) page essay that includes:
- Peer Review: Completed Revision Plan: 6 Output worksheets.
- Revised Essay incorporating Revision Plan’s comments and edits.
- A coherent organizational structure
- MLA citation format for (1) all sources cited on Works Cited page; and (2) In-Text Citations.
- Recursive Writing (Revision Essay Assignment) Reflection (answer Questions above under OBJECTIVES)
- Proofreading and Editing
Draft due 11/21 in class for peer-response workshop
Revised draft due 12/3 (12/5 is optional) in class peer-response workshop and conference
Final Exam due 12/10 at Midnight