My beliefs have changed

My beliefs about race were that everything was changing for the better and headed in the right direction. Before all of the police brutality started to happen. That is where my beliefs started to shift from race and everything else. I thought our criminal justice was there to protect  and get justice for people who have committed a crime. I thought we had made a tremendous amount of progress in recent years, but not it has seemed to decline. My views of everything has changed  since after reading the book. I was shocked to found a lot of information that I was so blind to even recognized. It has opened up my eyes up to things that are with our society. Mass incarceration is a HUGE deal and it’s affecting people of color and Mexicans, but mostly African Americans. The system is designed to keep people of color in a box and not to get too much ahead in life. I am appalled at the laws that were made up for the War on drugs. This book as really made me think about the criminal justice system and I want to try and make a difference so everybody can actually be equal and not stuck on RACE. 

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