Video Introduction | MyNCBI Bibliography
I. General Research Interest
- Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke Prevention
1. Risk assessment
a. Perceived risk of illness/disease
b. Actual risk of illness/disease
1. American Heart Association Life’s Simple 7 program
2. Promoting lifestyle behavior change (i.e. diet, physical activity, smoking) for risk reduction
3. Cardiovascular health in young adults
4. Family history of cardiovascular disease and stroke - Reducing racial/ethnic health disparities
1. Health promotion in African Americans
2. Developing age, gender and culturally appropriate interventions and resources - Improving communication in healthcare
a. Stroke counseling to increase accuracy of perceived stroke risk
b. mHealth technologies (i.e. text-messaging, apps, educational videos)
c. Language sensitivity in healthcare
d. Health literacy
II. Current Research Projects
- Stroke COunseling for Risk REduction (SCORRE) in young adult African Americans
- Tailoring the SCORRE intervention for young African American men
- Program Evaluation of the Alter Program for Dementia Awareness in Faith Communities (GSU Subcontract, Site Administrative PI)
III. Research Skills
- Research project management and recruitment
- Quantitative research methodologies
- Developing, implementing and evaluating interventions
- Clinical, Community, and Internet-based study implementation
- Measurement of risk perceptions
- SPSS database development and quantitative analysis
Cerebrovascular disease
Risk perception
Risk assessment
Health disparities
African American
Physical activity
Young adult
Health behavior
Life simple 7
Stroke prevention
Cardiovascular disease
Family History
Health literacy
Project management