Kellie Mayfield, Ph.D.

Nutrition Assistant Professor

Video Introduction | MyNCBI Bibliography | Research Seminar Video

I.  General Research Interest  

  1. Nutritional health and diet related disease outcomes of older African American women, specifically custodial grandparents 
    i.  Food security in older African American women 
    ii.  Dietary intake and diet quality women 
    iii.  Nutrition as a means of addressing social isolation in older African American women 
  2. Reducing racial and ethnic health disparities in older African Americans 
    i.  Foundational exploration of dietary intake and diet quality  
  3. Exploring social determinants of health related to diet, nutrition and disease outcomes 
    i.  Stress, sleep, food environment, transportation, social support in older African Americans 
  4. Improving access to healthy food in marginalized communities 

II.  Current Research Projects 

  1. Examining nutrition, nutritional outcomes and the nutrition environment of custodial African American grandmothers in metropolitan Atlanta 

III.  Research Skills  

  1. Interdisciplinary research 
  2. Community-based Participatory Research 
  3. Community Engaged Scholarship 
  4. Quantitative research methodologies
    i.  R Software, STATA, ArcGIS 
  5. Qualitative research methodologies 
    i.  CAQDAS Atlas.ti Software & NVivo 
  6. Dietary Assessment Methodology 
  7. Interdisciplinary School-based Nutrition Interventions 


Older Adults


Custodial Grandparents

African American

Vulnerable Communities

Marginalized Populations

Social Determinants of Health

Food Environment

Policy Change

Food Access

Behavior Change


Mixed Methods Research

Qualitative Research

Community Based Research
