MyNCBI Bibliography | Research Seminar Video | Video Introduction
I. General Research Interests
A. Innovative Intervention in Treating Children with Cerebral Palsy
- Virtual Reality
- Humanoid robots
- Functional strength training
- Rhythmic auditory cues and other music components
B. Early Intervention in Treating High-Risk Infants
- Mobile reinforcement in training infant’s leg movements
- Reinforcement in training infant’s leg movements
C. Low-Cost Indicators in Detecting Developmental Delay
- Using atypical kicking movements to detect developmental delay
- Using atypical reaching or object exploratory behaviors to detect developmental delay
D. Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Methodologies
II. Current Research Projects
A. Examining the effectiveness of virtual reality and functional strength training in children with cerebral palsy
B. Validating kicking parameters in detecting infants’ motor delay
C. Comparing the feedback from robots or human agents in reaching kinematics in children with and without cerebral palsy.
D. Building a norm database of reaching kinematics using Super Pop VRTM
III. Research Skills
A. Quantitative research methodologies, including statistical analyses
B. Developing, implementing and evaluating interventions
C. Measurement reliability and validity
D. Systematic review and meta-analysis methodologies
Motor Development
Motor Control
Motor Learning
Perception Action Coupling
Virtual Reality
Serious Gaming
Video games
Socially Interactive Robots
Socially Assistive Robots
Humanoid Robots
Functional Strength Training
Rhythmic Auditory Cues
Cerebral Palsy
Anticipatory Control
Down Syndrome
Home-based Intervention
Pediatric Physical Therapy
Very Low Birthweight
White Matter Disease
Reaching Movements
Kicking Movements
Object Manipulation
Fine Motor
Gross Motor
Upper Extremity Function
Motion Analysis
Super Pop VRTM
Smart Infant Pants