Susan Kelley, Ph.D.

Nursing Professor

Video Introduction | MyNCBI Bibliography | Research Seminar Video

I.  General Research Interest 

  1. Child maltreatment   
    1.  Childhood response to maltreatment 
    2.  Child sexual abuse 
    3.  Nonoffending parental response to child sexual abuse in out of home settings   
    4.  Relationship of substance abuse and child maltreatment  
  2. Grandparents raising traumatized grandchildren    
    1.  Psychological distress in African American grandparents raising grandchildren 
    2.  Predictors of psychological distress in African American grandparents raising grandchildren 
    3.  Developing culturally appropriate interventions for grandparents raising grandchildren 
    4.  Developmental delays and early intervention services for children raised by grandparents 
  3. Child abuse prevention
    1.  Home visitation programs  
  4. Childhood trauma 
    1.  Immediate impact 
    2.  Long-term impact   

II.  Current Research Projects 

  1. Project Healthy Grandparents: A community-based intervention to improve well-being in grandparent raising grandchildren in parent-absent households   

III.  Research Skills  

  1. Interdisciplinary team projects 
  2. Project management 
  3. Recruitment in vulnerable populations 
  4. Grant writing: Public and private sources  
  5. Developing, implementing and evaluating interventions  
  6. Quantitative research methodologies 
  7. Community-based interventions   
  8. Measurement of well-being in African American populations 

Grandparents raising grandchildren

Grandchildren raised by grandparents

Custodial grandparents

Caregiving grandparents

Kinship care

Child maltreatment

Substance abuse

Substance use disorder

Foster care

Relative foster care

Psychological distress

African American families

Chronic disease

Home visitation

Intergenerational families

Vulnerable populations

Intervention research

Child maltreatment prevention

Urban dwelling populations

Traumatized children

Out of home placement

Child behavior problems

Social support

Family resources

Family stress model

Congenital heart disease