Dawn Aycock, Ph.D.

 Nursing Associate Professor

Video Introduction | MyNCBI Bibliography

I.  General Research Interest 

  1. Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke Prevention 
    1.  Risk assessment  
      a.  Perceived risk of illness/disease 
      b.  Actual risk of illness/disease  
        1.  American Heart Association Life’s Simple 7 program
    2.  Promoting lifestyle behavior change (i.e. diet, physical activity, smoking) for risk reduction 
    3.  Cardiovascular health in young adults 
    4.  Family history of cardiovascular disease and stroke 
  2. Reducing racial/ethnic health disparities 
    1.  Health promotion in African Americans 
    2.  Developing age, gender and culturally appropriate interventions and resources 
  3. Improving communication in healthcare
    a.  Stroke counseling to increase accuracy of perceived stroke risk
    b.  mHealth technologies (i.e. text-messaging, apps, educational videos) 
    c.  Language sensitivity in healthcare  
    d.  Health literacy 

II.  Current Research Projects 

  1. Stroke COunseling for Risk REduction (SCORRE) in young adult African Americans
  2. Tailoring the SCORRE intervention for young African American men
  3. Program Evaluation of the Alter Program for Dementia Awareness in Faith Communities (GSU Subcontract, Site Administrative PI)

III.  Research Skills  

  1. Research project management and recruitment 
  2. Quantitative research methodologies 
  3. Developing, implementing and evaluating interventions  
  4. Clinical, Community, and Internet-based study implementation  
  5. Measurement of risk perceptions  
  6. SPSS database development and quantitative analysis  


Cerebrovascular disease

Risk perception

Risk assessment

Health disparities


African American

Physical activity



Young adult

Health behavior

Life simple 7

Stroke prevention



Cardiovascular disease



Family History

Health literacy


Project management