My first official day in New York I bought a pair of $150 dollar shoes I never tried on and never received in the mail. I woke up excited around 5 in the morning to shower alone in the communal bathroom. My shoes were soggy afterwards because I didn’t realize I needed shower shoes before […]
Diary of a Day in NYC
My Day in New York: Wednesday May 10, 2023
I started my day the same way I aimed to start all my days in New York, with breakfast at a nearby bakery. The morning walk to the bakery is always so refreshing and quickly became my favorite part of the morning, that is, when I was able to get myself out of bed early […]
My Last Day in New York
Surprisingly, one of my favorite days was the last day we spent in New York, although I thoroughly enjoyed them all. I began the morning at an Italian bakery called Rosetta, which had some of the best matcha and chai lattes I’ve ever had. I wanted to go there every morning, but had to restrict […]
A Day in NYC: Wednesday 5/10/23
Though I know I’m not the only one who has written about this day in New York, it was one in which I had a lot of fun and learned a lot about many of the topics we covered in this course. Our first Wednesday in New York was full of activities and walking and […]
My Day in NYC
On May 13th, my classmates and I had the day to do whatever we liked in NYC. Before the trip, I struggled to figure out what to fill my day with. I knew there was a lot to do, but what are those things? I already knew I would attend the Literary Magazine Fair, but […]
A Day in New York City (May 10, 2023)
My favorite day in New York City was the third day of our trip, May 10, where the main event was our meeting with the staff of Macmillan/St. Martin’s Press, one of the Big Five publishing houses. We started the day by taking a southbound train to our first stop, the Oculus and the 9/11 […]
Day in New York – May 9, 2023
This was our first full day in the city, and the day we did our walking tour of Greenwich Village. I started by getting a latte (with caramel syrup and oat milk, always!!) at Le Café Coffee by the YMCA. I went here almost every day—the baristas and coffee are amazing. We took the train […]