I cannot believe how much I’ve been able to learn from this course and what encounters I’ve experienced as a result of this trip and our meetings. As someone who technically already graduated before taking this course, this trip acted as both a last hurrah and a means to get some more information about how to start working within the editing field as a whole. By meeting up with publishing professionals to ask how they were able to get their jobs and how they feel about the particular field they work in, I was able to get a lot of insight into what types of jobs I’d like and how I may be able to find my start in the publishing industry. Our meeting with the Feminist Press offered a lot of insight and opportunities for me by showing me a possible job opportunity that I could apply for and that I may be able to take to gain more experience and insight into what I’d like to do. Meetings with the editor at PRH helped me to realize that getting a job in the field may not always be easy, but it is also very worth it. Macmillan showed me that the corporate environment just wasn’t for me, and Harper’s Magazine made it clear that the path may be difficult for those of us who are not as well off. Overall, this trip taught me about the importance of connections, initiative by reaching out for informational interviews, and has gotten me into contact with some important people within the industry who may be able to help me to find a job in my field. I’ve been able to see what the different work environments can look like and the kind of jobs that I would likely be interested in holding once I am able to get my foot in the door and get my career started. I’m so excited to be able to use what I have learned from this trip to help my career now that I’m officially a college graduate, and I hope this trip has done the same for my peers as well. It’s been a wonderful ride. 🙂