“What is the Difference Between Accessible, Usable, and Universal Design?”. DO IT. n.p. 20 August 2015. Web. 21 February 2016.
This source is about the different approaches that can be taken to ensure that built environments along with other things are easier to use. It differentiates between accessible, usable, and universal design of environments.
An accessible design means that people with disabilities have been taken into consideration. The Americans with Disabilities Act requires all services that are open to the public have to be fully accessible by people who have disabilities.
The universal design is similar, but different from the accessible design. The universal design is not aimed specifically towards people with disabilities, but instead it is for all people. A universal design is meant to enable the greatest use to come from a built environment for everyone.
The usable design is aimed towards efficiency and effectiveness. With this being the focus of usable designs, people who have disabilities are sometimes left out.
These three designs together can make any built environment accessible to anyone. I chose this source because I wanted to look into wheelchair accessibility in the built environments. My fourth and fifth sources both have to do with wheelchair accessibility in the built environment also.
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