They all happy, concentrated and want success; and these programs allow for those that are gifted to show the talent they have and helps propel them forward.
They all happy, concentrated and want success; and these programs allow for those that are gifted to show the talent they have and helps propel them forward.
These are different digital paths the Atlanta Symphony use to transmit the musical work they do, all their successes, what is happening, where, when, why, educational overviews, and who is playing, what kind of music it is, all types of things.
Very wordy and informational, serious, intriguing, and shows accommodation.
CONCERT & TICKETS (main link)
The Atlanta Symphony website as I have observed over the last week, has a lot of options and says everything a person would need to know if they are not familiar with this site and everything available knowing when, where, and what time the events will be; I thought I would not find a lot of information but I was wrong. There was a lot of wording, a lot information about also how to buy tickets, group tickets, student tickets, ways to exchange tickets, how to pay for the tickets being in person or through mail or in other forms, what to expect if you are new to this, family fun, the Atlanta Youth Orchestra and how to audition for it and the ages, The Atlanta Orchestra, dining and entertainment, the directions to get there, how to volunteer, if one wants to donate, beginner classes, internships and jobs, the Atlanta Choir, and much more. This website seems formal in the way the musicians, conductors, composers, and more are presented…and the theme in general comes out serious to me but has a touch of silliness or childlike fun as well since there is also a pops type of playing as well and family fun so that all ages can enjoy this music entertainment since the general audience would be those that are older aged musicians, educators, school musicians, and just any person who likes this type of entertainment. This site is easy to navigate because it shows everything you need or if you have questions the answers, and seems somewhat repetitive I am guessing so people understand where to go to find everything even through specific links on the main links. The colors are mostly black and white, with all the other colors but it looks mainly that way in the way it is designed. This site has made me become intrigued, mostly being since I used to play flute and my dad is a professional musician so it makes me interested to learn more about this site and the concerts and more. The site is used for the general public but mostly by music educators, musicians, students in music or interested in music, and more. It is very detailed allowing for the users of this site to go where they want to go and find what they need to find. It is a very formal, serious, artistic site.
Annotation # 1 ~ Community on Campus: The Role of Physical Space
Harrington, Kim D. Community On Campus: The Role Of Physical Space. n.p.: Atlanta, Ga. : Georgia State University, 2014., 2014.GEORGIA STATE UNIV’s Catalog. Web. 3 Feb. 2016.
In Community On Campus: The Role of Physical Space, Kim D. Harrington said “The purpose of this study was to understand the role space plays in student involvement and community on campus.” She used different research methods, and one of them being interviewing. Kim D. found the students showed that in the campus space, they make a lot of connections with other peers and like having their own time as well. All the students enjoy different spaces where they can be social, relaxed, eating, sleeping, playing an instrument, it just depends on the student.This long article that I found through the Georgia State library, was not meant for it to be about Atlanta, but it connects with Georgia State University, because this whole summary shows how in any campus, the different types of space specifically exterior affect the way a student lives in their social, academic, physical, spiritual, and mental ways or state of being. I chose this because I thought it was the only thing I could find. There was research methods but that was a lot, I feel like this whole article was a waste of time in all honesty. This article is completely different from all the other ones, but It connects in how it affects the way people live.
Annotation # 2 ~ Determinant of Childhood Obesity
Casey, Romain, et al. “Determinants Of Childhood Obesity: What Can We Learn From Built Environment Studies?.” Food Quality And Preference 31.(2014): 164-172. ScienceDirect. Web. 4 Feb. 2016.
As a general idea about this article, it compares the built environment with the weight of the youth population and it being a socioeconomic effect. The article showed how fast food restaurants nearby, easy transportation and leisure activity has increased obesity so they were trying to create more studies showing evidence with their methodology results, and statistics using young adolescents and children to test this out. The way the structure was laid out of the restaurants, physical activity facilities, stores, malls, sidewalks, parks, the accessibility, showed to have some strong impact on the weight of these youngsters. From the chart of this article, the “spatial accessibility, physical activity, and food behaviors” even our genes, culture, and other factors could play a role in the health of these young individuals in if they do or do not become obese, and if they are then they can have that probability of developing diseases due to obesity. This is can be studied in Atlanta. I chose this because there was not many things I found too interesting, but this one caught my eye. This article is strong in the sense in how the research methods and charts show how the built environment impacts the weight of a child, and weak in how general it was. This article is similar to the others in the way it impacts their lives.
Annotation # 3 ~ A Qualitative Study On The Role Of The Built Environment For Short Walking Trips
Ferrer, Sheila, Tomás Ruiz, and Lidón Mars. “A Qualitative Study On The Role Of The Built Environment For Short Walking Trips.”Transportation Research Part F: Psychology And Behaviour 33.(2015): 141-160. ScienceDirect. Web. 3 Feb. 2016.
This article talks about the walking barriers using a specific age group, using focus groups with a specific age group. This research took place in Valencia, Spain where they used many methods including thematic analysis where they had a questionnaire and interviews of the people chosen for this experiment, data analysis, and more. The majority of the participants would walk for some time, but many prefer other forms of transportation such as cars or other types of mobility. Some of the main reasons why walking is such a barrier to some is because of the amount of time they need to get to places, bad weather, to be safe from crime, there are horribly structured walking facilities where walking isn’t possible or it is uncomfortable or dangerous, you feel insecure, and more. I chose this because I thought it would be relevant to what we are looking at in class. There are flaws in it its limitations and biases. The built environment from the 3 articles is that it affects others. This relates to Atlanta in how there are many barriers that do not allow us to go in some directions or even let us walk comfortably.
Annotation # 4 ~ The deaf and the classroom design: a contribution of the built environmental ergonomics for the accessibility
Martins, Laura Bezerra, and Denise Mariasimões Freire Gaudiot. “The Deaf And The Classroom Design: A Contribution Of The Built Environmental Ergonomics For The Accessibility.” Work (Reading, Mass.) 41 Suppl 1.(2012): 3663-3668. MEDLINE with Full Text. Web. 21 Feb. 2016
In the article The deaf and the classroom design: a contribution of the built environmental ergonomics for the accessibility, both authors Martins and Gaudiot, were worried in the article specifically about the deaf and what necessary things are left out in the educational built environment for the deaf showing quick fixes including sunlight, acoustics, accessibility, visualization, warning signs and also how the layout of the classroom should be open to all sorts of ways of teaching and learning for all groups of students and not be so strict or traditional or standardized.
SHTE method and participatory design were used in two different schools for the deaf to see how they did including questions, interviews, and more; students, teachers, employees, and interpreters participated. Concluding, the data showed there were many important things missing in these classrooms that make it harder for the deaf to learn. Martins and Gaudiot had suggestions and showed these two layouts that could help fix the issue.
This has nothing to do with Atlanta, but shows variables and layouts in the classrooms affect the deaf students and teachers in the teaching and learning; in this case negatively. I chose it because it looked interesting to me. I feel like it was bias in how it says the deaf are not well accommodated in the classrooms for their learning, but they only tested two schools; there are a lot of good schools for the deaf. The interior of the built environment affects people in all my annotative bibliographies.
Annotation # 5 ~ Influence of soundscape and interior design on anxiety and perceived tranquility of patients in a healthcare setting
Watts, Greg, Amir Khan, and Rob Pheasant. “Influence Of Soundscape And Interior Design On Anxiety And Perceived Tranquility Of Patients in A Healthcare Setting.” Applied Acoustics 104.(2016): 135-141. ScienceDirect. Web. 22 Feb. 2016
In this Article Influence of soundscape and interior design on anxiety and perceived tranquility of patients in a healthcare setting, Greg, Watts, and Khan talk about how the natural environment brings more tranquility the man-made noise or environments. They are worried for the patients who have to wait very long in clinics and healthcare facilities to be served for their medical need, so they believe of having a more “restorative environment” They are complaining of the soundscape because of the high level noise and how plain and boring the design is in the rooms. They went to The Bradford Student Health Service near the university campus to do the experiment where they put down the noise and added nature-like noise and included pictures of natural landscapes, nothing man made. They Tranquility Rating Prediction Tool, in the results showing how the people tended to become more relaxed in the adjusted room then the as is room, but overall it showed stress and anxiety levels could be affected by other factors and people relax with different types of music.
Nothing to do with Atlanta, but shows nature helps restore environment in medical facilities, helping in general to reduce stress of the people. It was interesting. All different groups of people gender and age in both experiments of As is and changed environment so there could have been bias, their levels of anxiety could have all been different due to this set up and small sample size. Nature reduces stress and affects people.
Annotation # 6 ~ Stress-reducing effects of indoor plants in the built healthcare environment: The mediating role of perceived attractiveness
Dijkstra, K., M.E. Pieterse, and A. Pruyn. “Stress-Reducing Effects Of Indoor Plants In The Built Healthcare Environment: The Mediating Role Of Perceived Attractiveness.” Preventive Medicine 47.(2008): 279-283. Science Direct. Web. 21 Feb. 2016
In this article, Stress-reducing effects of indoor plants in the built healthcare environment: The mediating role of perceived attractiveness, Dijkstra, Pieterse, and Pruyn talk about the stress reducing effects natural elements have on patients in healthcare facilities creating those “healing environments” for those patients. They showed how other authors experimented and talked about how natural settings are far more stress reducers than urban settings. They want to see if this is the reason why most people prefer natural settings over the urban settings or if its directly due to the actual plants which reduce the stress and create attractiveness. The participants were shown a picture of a hospital room with the indoor plants and another without the indoor plants and an urban setting; with this they also used different measurements. While using statistical procedures in their conclusion, participants felt less stress with the indoor plants than the ones with the wall painting, including perceived attractiveness mediates from the presence of indoor plants and perceived stress.
Not Atlanta, but shows environment like nature & other variables in interior affects people. It is similar to other article that is why I chose it. The bias here is not every person would prefer natural elements over urban settings, so not always true nature will always reduce stress compared to urban settings. There was also 21 years old in this testing & only up to 77 people in the experiment, the data could change completely.The interior environment has many variables affects the people.
Annotation # 7 ~ In Defense of Digital Communication
1) “In defense of digital communication”
Sucharov, Mia. “In defense of digital communication”. The Daily Beast. 19 June 2013. Web. 24 March 2016..
Mira Sucharov responded to a specific argument in response “In Defense of Digital Communication.” She acknowledges that face to face communication is important, but that 1) Even though we see people everyday, we can lack that intimacy, and still have heart to heart conversations in the digital aspect; 2) The Shabbat prohibits or says basically that digital devices are not good, but really instead of on paper, digitally they would be more into the Shabbat experience and that there is a movement reforming an ipad app into their Friday service; 3) and lastly she basically said that we should take advantage of our knowledge and use the digital space or devices because we can do a lot with it.
Some people in Atlanta might be more digitally inclined than others. I chose this because it is a point I found different than others and mostly the opposite of what I think towards technology. Is biased, strong on her opinion, but it has flaws, does not mean her points are convincing. It is different yet similar to other articles, using technology but not very in depth like it is in here.
Annotation # 8 ~
2) “New York Times Earnings Preview: Digital Space To Drive top line”
Trefis Team. “New York Times earnings preview: digital space to drive top line”. Investing. 28 October 2015. Web. 24 March 2016.
Print media domain has affected the New York Company since it has gone down, but the digital advertisements are increasing and the revenues keep looks like it is declining. The profitability though seem to keep increasing and digital subscriptions keep growing.
Even though it is a NY company, it can be similar to what is happening in Atlanta
ANnotation # 9 ~
3) “UK consumers enjoy ‘advanced’ digital communications”
n.a. “UK consumers enjoy ‘advanced’ digital communications”. BBC. 17 Dec 2009. Web. 24 March 2016.
In the UK it is more digitally advanced or in other has more digital communication including many countries even the US: An example being is digital TV. There was a survey done with how much televsiion was seen through this digital space. Also UK consumers enjoy paying low prices for mobile phones and broad bands. UK is in the top in digital services. This relates with Atlanta in how digitally advanced and innovative it is becoming through these different digital communications.
Annotation # 10 ~
4)”How communication will evolve through digital touch”
Bajarin, Ben. “How communication will evolve through digital touch”. Time: Tech: Big Picture. 6 Oct 2014. Web. 24 March 2016.
The article ” describes how technology has advanced within time and how these new technologies give us more options to communicate with human population. There were examples of how older technology was used such as pagers and blackberries to send messages, however it was very limited in options for communication. Nowadays toechnology has improved and advanced with items such as the Apple Watch and Smartphones which has helped humanity to stay in touch regardless of the distance and limited time given to communicate with one another.
Melissa King of Better Online through Content Moderation, makes the point content controls exist to better the lives of those that use the media, not changing everything that could happen, but it allows for people to have privacy, less anxiety especially for those with PTSD, and to choose what they want to look at or not. The only bad thing here as she states in her argument is what the people that use content control have to deal with, with all the criticism of the opposition referring to them as “Weak” and “Too sensitive” (Melissa), pressuring them to basically go to extreme lengths they are not used to and basically bully these people; which is why having content controls allows for a barrier to exist from this type of violence for these people even more so for those with PTSD to have less anxiety from this. Even though it does not completely erase the problem, content controls should be used. (1)
Those against content control are the ones that think the ones “too sensitive” completely exaggerate the abuse they receive; this is completely similar to Exposure Therapy, which is basically when a person is exposed to whatever creates the stress each time to trigger less and less anxiety; this being completely erroneous or out of hand for a person especially with PTSD since it could worsen their condition of anxiety instead of making it better. She also talks about the myth where young people today are not as sensitive to many issues, so they are able to deal with this content and be more open to it, but really are not. This problem of bullying online creates PTSD, and a repeated bullying makes it worse. (2-3)
Melissa King talked about blocklists how they are being more used especially against hater groups, but many users are completely against the blocklists using legal action. Like Randi Harper made clear that having a blocklist can make a person become flagged for using one and can limit ones accesses to different Gamergate on Twitter. For a person to use a blocklist they have to find one used for their needs. People against blocklists are not the harassers but they see defense by targets of the bullying as the bullying itself, so in this case blocklists are not considered good due to the forcing of one’s internet experience to another’s. (3)
King states these points of views do not do a good job at showing how horrible the bullying is online. She talks about how bad it is to the point where in Gamergate they take pictures and post info of the users threatening them to not say a word; so it is hard to see which one is the abuser and which one is the abused. (4) The abuse is not something uncommon, and it happens a lot to women especially in areas where there are mostly men; a lot more of this abuse happens more frequently in tech areas and video game culture, with harassment being very frequent, PTSD can occur. With the amount of proof that exists of this abuse, women do not have to keep talking about it and people should not even think to think why to have block and content controls. King says the best option available is for individuals to control the way the internet works for them. (5)
In almost the end, Melissa talks about how those people that are against blocklists, those that take legal action against those that choose to have content control, or any judgment against those people that decide to have that privacy, are disrespectful to the personal choices those other people make. She said everyone should make their own choices, but the disrespectful people will never change in pressuring others in these horrible situations. (5)
Melissa King concluded saying every person is different and thinks differently so not everyone will feel the same way about everything. Every individual should take into account what they need for themselves. Not every person can deal with certain situations. She feels no one can force anything on someone else, that this is a type of violence that exists from the anti-content control people making misinformed opinions that do not help others with their mental state but allow for more online abuse. (5)
King, Melissa. “Better Online Living Through Content Moderation.” Model View Culture. 14 October 2015. Web. 5 March 2016.
As these two authors Phia Bennin and Brendan McMullan were working on a Colors show, they decided to experience what is called Color Walking. The person that helped his students with color walking was William Burroughs. The color walking is really only when you leave your house or immediately when you go out, you just pick a color that attracts your eyes and watch how all the colors jump out to you as you see different things as you go. As Bennin and McMullan said it could be the color red seen on different objects, so could the color yellow for example being the Sun, a lemon, yellow in a rainbow, yellow buses, bananas, and more. (1)
Bennin and McMullan went crazy on this Color Walk they did. They talked about how they would see “a woman’s lavender hand bag might draw us to the right; a yellow cab could pull us down a side street; a green pistachio ice cream cone could shove us into the park.” (Bennin & McMullan) They started their journey of Color Walking at WNYC, Manhattan on a Sunday afternoon. They started with blues, which made itself to pink, then grabbing their attention to violets. By the time they were ending the Color Walk, as it was becoming the end of the day, they saw how the entire space of earth is flooded with all colors. They ended with seeing “rusty orange of a rooftop water tower in the sun, a bright blue mohawk, and the humble yellowy greens of a new leaf all jumped into our eyes.” (Bennin & McMullan) (1)
Bennin and McMullan said if any person would like to experiment with this type of phenomenon that they encountered, then they should take the advice they say of having at least one hour where you have nothing to do, where you do not have anything on your schedule or anything that interrupts the time you have for this, only to have that hour to just use your eyes; to choose a color or one that makes your heart pop out of excitement if you do not know which color to choose; and finally if you get lost at a certain point in this process, then to choose a different color, and if you really get lost then that is the way to go, that is what is supposed to happen in Color Walking. (2)
Color Walking in this summary in a definition would be: to use a time of the day where one is not busy to find time to go insane with colors on all objects including: people, clothes, houses, cars, toys, sidewalks, the sky, just about anything you can see as you leave your house or wherever you may be. It can be at any location, any place, really any time of the day to Color Walk, but at night it could be harder because of the darkness. Color Walking is something anyone can do.
Bennin, Phia and McMullan Brendan. “Color Walking.” RadioLab. WNYC Radio, 29 June 2012. Web. 4 March 2016.
Transfiguration Catholic Church