School of Public Health GM presentation
“Employing Growth Mindset Strategies at the Graduate Level”
This interactive presentation was centered around using a Growth Mindset to learn more effectively and efficiently. The session provided graduate students with motivational and effort-building strategies to positively shape attitudes about learning. These strategies reinforce students’ beliefs that their cognitive capacities are not fixed and build the capacity to learn even more. Additionally, students learned to create mind/body states that are receptive to feedback and further learning.
CETL GM presentation
“Enhancing Graduate Student Motivation and Persistence Through a Growth Mindset Intervention”
Jeremiah also presented a CETL poster presentation that showed the initial development of a growth mindset intervention for use within the University System of Georgia. This intervention focuses on 1) psychoeducation about learning and 2) open tasks illustrating multiple methods for addressing problems. Analysis of the study’s results is currently underway.