Date |
In-Class |
Due |
Tuesday, June 7th |
First Half:
Second Half:
Thursday, June 9th |
First Half:
Second Half:
- Practice analysis of song narratives
- Discuss Analysis HW
Tuesday, June 14th |
First Half:
- share analyses
- Skim narratives of Orlando shooting victims
- Discuss purpose of these narratives
Second Half:
- watch/ listen to song narration of your choice. submit analysis of song. (Assignment posted on canvas)
- Read Narrative Assignment and begin thinking about what story you are going to tell.
Thursday, June 16th |
First Half
Second Half:
- Narrative rough drafts due (3%)
- Final Narratives due Tuesday at 11:59pm
Tuesday, June 21st |
First Half:
- Analysis in-class assignment
Second Half:
- Discuss Ethos, Pathos, Logos
- submit an analysis of your narrative
Thursday, June 23rd |
First Half:
Second Half:
- create a map of spaces that are important to you (either draw this on paper or create a google map)
- begin to write an analysis of yourself based on the spaces you inhabit
- submit your version of the “college represented in the media” paper
Tuesday, June 28th |
- share maps
- Define and find examples of ethos, pathos, and logos
- go over analysis paper
- begin in-class ethos, pathos, logos analysis
- Submit the analysis of your space by 11:59pm
Thursday, June 30th |
- small group workshop of thesis statements
- switch thesis statements and write 500-700 word analysis using partner’s thesis statement
- Develop a list of comments based on rubric
- Peer review papers
- submit your ethos, pathos, logos group analysis by 11:59 pm
- bring to class a draft of your analysis paper
Tuesday, July 5th |
- submit 500-700 word analysis using partner’s thesis statement
Thursday, July 7th |
First Half:
Second Half:
- workshop/conference about analysis papers
- Final Analysis Paper Due @ 11:59 pm
Tuesday, July 12th |
First Half:
Second Half:
- Read small section on Slacktivism and answer questions
- Write your own research supported claim (HW)
- 500 word description of research interest due
Thursday, July 14th |
- Go over lit review assignment
- Work on lit reviews
- Submit entire, completed “Supporting Claims with Research” activity by 11:59 pm
Tuesay, July 19th |
Thursday, July 21st |
Thursday, July 28th |
- “works in progress” presentations due
- Primary research report due