Postmortem Lividity

The autopsy report showed that the cause of dead was manual strangulation. The body was found to be partially buried and to be laying on her right side (Everett). Police discovered that she must have been murdered at a different location and later to be disposed of at the park. The prosecution also claims that her body was dumped at the park around 7pm the day Lee went missing (McDonell-Parry). The time matches with the incoming calls on Adnan’s phone.

However, the medical examiner wrote that on the victims body showed “fixed frontal lividly” (Chaudry). This phenomenon is when the blood builds up at the part of the body closest to the ground on which the body was position and takes around eight to twelve hours to occur fully. This means that the victim must have been placed face down for a minimum of eight hours, and then moved to the park. This means that the body could not have been dumped at the park around 7pm that day.