Elementary School Boy Confronted for an ADHD comment. Soon We’ll Be Pillow Boxing #JustThink
I will not argue with the idea that America would benefit from a much more peaceful nation, in fact I encourage it. However, some pushes for this goal are complete and utter garbage, turning our “Land of the Free” into the trippy, bubblegum and rainbow world of Teletubbies. Examples of this include removing dodgeball from schools because it hurts the kids and “promotes bullying”, and not allowing teachers to grade papers in red because “it brings out negative emotions”. Now as a young person studying art, I know that color can indeed have a short-term effect on the human mindset and I know how color theory works, but if that’s the true concern of red ink on a test, then I’m calling them out now. If you bombed horrendously on a test, then yes, use red because they now know they need to step up their game and have associated red with a negative grade. All of these were attempts at pacifying the loud, sensitive crybabies that can’t accept the idea that humans need struggles as they grow.
This little rant was a segway into this very peculiar article that centers around a seven-year old child being held by police after a disagreement with school administration over ADHD and other mental deformities. The problem in question is that Christian and Katie Maple lost custody of their son for arguing over his mental state after making a remark that he wanted to “erase himself from the earth” by stabbing himself in the eye. The school system argued that he had a mental problem, while the parents told them that he had never expressed that kind of thinking and that he merely mentioned it to get a reaction out of the counselor. Despite their claims, their son Camden was taken into state custody. The cherry on top is that after he was returned, the parents were ordered to take him for mental testing, and all the results came back clean, to the outrage of the family.
It’s truly a sad time for our school system and our society when our officials are so afraid of offending parents and kids that they take the most extreme borderline irresponsible actions in order to appease the people. It’s especially bad when the people who encourage this childish and immature behaviour are constantly pacified and get barely any reprocussion. I somewhat wish this blog was written a few years back, so I can chew everyone’s ears off about the fake rape case “I Stand With ???” Though I suppose it was better this way.