A Story Told Without Words, the works of Antti Martikainen

Feb - 21 2017 | By

Recently now I’ve had to indulge quite a bit in schoolwork, and when I’m doing that I’m in the car being towed along for errands or something of the sort. When I’m not doing either, the sun has more or less already gone down and to ease my boredom and pace around my house. All of these I usually do with headphones placed around my ears, and (most of the time) I like to listen to quality soundtracks that can get the creative gears in my head turning. In all seventeen of my years I don’t think anyone has been able to do this better than Antti Martikainen, a music composer and prodcuer from Finland. He has made a plethora of instrumental works with cultural roots from the Celtic highlands to the Land of the Rising Sun, each of which with their own flavor that leaves a lasting impression even when the track has ended. Such great songs he has made are A Warrior’s Fate, Xian, and The Forbidden City, each of which have their own ability to spin yarns inside your mind as a food for thought, in fact I’m listening to one right now known as Snow Dancer, listen for yourself.

In the past I wasn’t all gung ho about listening to songs with no lyrics, but now because of people like Antti, I’m reminded that this is the thing that sets us apart from the beasts of the wild. Although some animals have songs of their own to display, our ability to create harmonies like this is an evolutionary talent that should be recorded and immortilized like this into digital media for the world to experience as well. To get a better grasp of what I’m trying to say, listen to a few more of some works from him that I greatly recommend from his many albums.

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