First sight of the entrance to the Georgian Terrace gives off a very cozy impression, inserted into the block as it is, in fact as I walked towards the supposed location of the Terrace I was initially confused, I could not seem to find it. My map seemed to be leading me into a restaurant called the Livingston, which I would later realize was a part of the Georgian Terrace. The Livingston was a beautiful building with glass and stone mingling in an ornate way that seemed to encourage only the most sophisticated to enter, not so much as to frighten off the random passerby, but enough to comfort its customers. The only thing that convinced me that I was nearing my destination was the sight of the Fox Theatre, a building I knew was close to the Terrace. As I continued walking and passed the Livingston I saw a gap between it and the next building on the block, turning to face the gap I was surprised and struck by the appearance of the Georgian Terrace’s Entrance. It seemed immediately more elegant than its surroundings, almost as if it was tucked away into its own private corner of luxury, which in a way it was. The brick of the walls somehow matching perfectly with the glass tower that I somehow only noticed at this moment. The building gives off a feel of elegance and sophistication that is almost daunting at first glance, daunting but still intriguing. An air that implied that the rich and famous would be perfectly suited to the environment.