Reading summary 5

Color Walking

The article is a report on the experiences of the authors, Phia Bennin and Brendan McMullan, in trying a “Color Walk”. Apparently invented by the author William S. Burroughs as a way of teaching his students, the idea behind a color walk is to walk throughout a city following a certain color. Taking conscious note of that shade, causing the “surroundings [to] pop as you follow the color from object to object”. The authors decided to try out the practice, in Manhattan on a Sunday afternoon, giving themselves the liberty to switch colors. As they went, the authors cataloged the colors that caught their eyes through images, from scarves to jerseys to body paint. Leaving the experience the authors Bennin and McMullan felt as if, “The colors hung in our brains and eyes”. The colors that had always been around them now stood out more than they had before. They finished with advice, when trying out a color walk of one’s own, one should give themselves plenty of time, pick the color that most catches their attention and not be afraid of changing they’re color.

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