Let me introduce myself,


Career Aspirations

I’ve had many career aspirations during my college experience and settling on one may never truly happen but I have narrowed down my choices to a reasonable and achievable list for now. As a Biomedical Science and Enterprise major I find I have a range of both hard and soft skills, as well as real world experiences, that all contribute to a promising career in industry science.

Now here’s the kicker.

Biomedicine, science based-research, and health are passions of mine. I have an entrepreneurial spirit and drive for creativity that has le

d me to pursue  the start-up space. For the last six months as a passion project and future endeavor I have been working to launch a wellness branding partnership. This branding agency specializes in design and strategy for companies in the industry of wellness. We’re equal parts left-brained strategists and right-brained creatives, disruptive yet heart-centered. This is where digital publishing comes into play.

 I need to know the trends in the digital world and be able to navigate publications online. It is a skill that will be invaluable for any field but especially valuable in setting me apart in the science industry and in managing client relations as part of my branding company. Writing and publishing are skills that I have but can consistently be proven upon. Other goals for success include building my network of connections and searching for companies and positions that align with my core values. Ideally, finding a position for a health and wellness company working with accounts and clients will strengthen my ability to run my own company in the future.

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